The rifle used against journalists will be used against politicians – warns Anas


General News of Friday, July 12, 2019



Anas Leadership Conf play the videoAnas Aremeyaw Anas

Anas Aremeyaw, Ace's investigative journalist, warned politicians of all stripes, particularly in Ghana, where attacks against media men began to multiply.

Citing the badbadination of a Tiger member Eyer P.I. Ahmed Hussein Suale earlier this year, this world-renowned media icon is praised for his bold presentations on corrupt institutions.

Ahmed Hussein Suale was attacked and killed by unknown gunmen in Accra shortly after public viewing of one of Tiger Eye P.I's investigative documents.

Following the public broadcast of his work, Kennedy Agyepong, member of the Assin Central Parliament, strongly criticized Anas' methods in a series of programs he had published on his television channel, Net 2 TV: "Who watch the guard? "

Agyapong revealed the long-hidden identity of Ahmed Suale on television, accusing his employees of "disciplining" him if he was seen. Before his action, many Ghanaians did not know the face of the Tiger Eye P.I.

"When politicians came up the scene and said that they would hang journalists and beat journalists if the government had spoken and remained firm about it, Ahmed Suale would not have died," he said. hinted Anas.

Anas spoke at the British and Canadian governments' conference on media freedom in London with British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt, aspiring to serve as Prime Minister, Canada's Foreign Minister. Chrystia Freeland, and the famous human rights lawyer, Amal Clooney, all present, warned that if the leaders did not better protect the journalists threatened by their government, no one would be safe.

"… When it comes to media accountability, it's up to all of us to speak up, to say things as they are. Because the truth is that the weapon or the torture inflicted upon Ahmed Karshoggi, the weapon used to shoot Ahmed Suale is still alive and that this weapon will be used against the politician if we do not do not defend freedom media "

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