The sorrow of the patient Charlie Teo | Coffs Coast Advocate


Just weeks after a life-saving surgical and rescue operation, a 12-year-old cancer patient was informed of his mother's cancer return.

Amelia "Milli" Lucas made headlines in the national press two weeks ago, when she was operated on to remove a tumor from her brain. The operation was performed by surgeon Charlie Teo, who performed the difficult operation after others had found it too risky. Miraculously, Milli was standing, walking and smiling shortly after the operation.

At that time, Dr. Teo said that his family had been "courageous" in attacking the otherwise incurable tumor.

"They know that it's not curable and that it could be detrimental to his quality of life, but they're just not ready to give in. It's a very courageous decision," Dr. Teo said. .

Dr. Teo managed to remove 98% of the tumor during this difficult operation. German specialists are currently badyzing the Milli case to determine if they can remove the remaining 2%.

But two weeks after the rescue operation, the family suffered a devastating blow.

Milli's mother, Monica Smirk, was diagnosed with bad cancer, according to Western Australia

Ms. Smirk was diagnosed with bad cancer just three years ago and had a double mastectomy and hysterectomy.

The mother of three, who is currently caring for her daughter Milli as she is recovering from a brain operation, said she would treat the lump "only when I do".

"I can see it, it's not grown, so it can wait, but it's going to have to be removed one day," Ms. Smirk said, describing the mbad.

Monica Smirk has been diagnosed with bad cancer.

Monica Smirk has been diagnosed with bad cancer.

Milli has recently undergone a dramatic operation. Image: Team Millstar / Facebook

Milli has recently undergone a dramatic operation. Image: Team Millstar / Facebook

His surgeon, Dr. Teo, described him as being brave. Image: Team Millstar / Facebook

His surgeon, Dr. Teo, described him as being brave. Image: Team Millstar / Facebook

She is the seventh person in her family who has been diagnosed with the devastating Li-Fraumeni Syndrome, a genetic predisposition transmitted by the parent that gives the victim a life-long cancer risk.

It is characterized by the early onset of cancer and sufferers are predisposed to a wide variety of cancers throughout their lives.

The rare and devastating disease is thought to affect less than 1,000 people worldwide.

Ms. Smirk's niece and her brother both had tumors, as well as her 15-year-old daughter, Tess, who also had a brain tumor.

Tess has already been successfully treated for the tumor and healed.

Ms Smirk said Western Australia She carries a heavy burden thinking of the genetic baggage she has unconsciously pbaded on to her children.

"It kills me every night, I fart the eyes looking (Milli) .I did it to them, it kills me every day," said Mrs. Smirk.

"They are such good kids, they do not deserve that."

The comments, made to Milli, devastated the girl and she rebadured her mother.

Dr. Teo described Milli as "calm" and "brave". He had surgery after all the other surgeons thought it was too risky.

"This has entered the brainstem, the forbidden zone where most people do not work," said Dr. Teo, describing it as one of the most difficult of his career.

Conducted in a private hospital, the family raised funds for surgery via a fundraising page.

Their initial goal was to raise $ 100,000, but the donations page reached $ 164,000 by the time of Milli's operation.

Amelia 'Milli' Lucas. Image: Team Millstar / Facebook

Amelia 'Milli' Lucas. Image: Team Millstar / Facebook

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