The sweetest things Prince Harry ever said about Meghan Markle


Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are a beautiful couple. Their connection can be controversial, their love is strong; it blooms in the photos and flows in their words.

Although they have only been together for a short while, Markle and his prince have said incredibly nice things to each other. In today's article, let's take a look at the top five things Prince Harry said about his beautiful wife.

"I'm incredibly proud of my wife … The way a woman does what she does is beyond understanding."

Prince Harry
Prince Harry, Duke of Susbad | Steve Parsons – Pool WPA / Getty Images

On May 6, 2019, Markle gave birth to a beautiful little boy, Archie. Prince Harry was, of course, completely enamored of his son, but he was not the only one he loved that day.

Prince Harry found himself once again in love with his beautiful wife. He met the media the same day to make a statement. Meanwhile, he let the world know that Markle and Archie were doing well and that the experience had been incredible.

Prince Harry then burst out about Markle, sharing his pride for his wife and his amazement at women around the world.

"When did I know that she was" The One "- the very first time we met. '

A mutual friend is actually the leader of the meeting that would change the understanding of the British royal family as we know it today! Markle says that at the time, the only thing that interested her was whether her blind appointment was beautiful or not.

Once the two men met for a drink, the sparks began to fly and both parties seemed enthusiastic about a second date.

"We met for a drink, then very quickly, I thought, what would we do tomorrow? We should see each other again. & # 39;

Later, Prince Harry admitted that it was more than sparks; It was a love at first sight!

"I was wonderfully surprised when I entered this room and saw it."

Harry's answer was fiya. "I was wonderfully surprised when I entered this room and I saw her there, she was sitting, I thought," OK, well, I'm really going to have to improve my game ! "

– Neri (@Aqarius_girl) December 27, 2018

Admitting love at first sight is not the only thing Prince Harry said about their fateful meeting. When Prince Harry entered Markle's room, he was taken aback. In fact, his first thoughts were that he really needed to play his best game if he wanted to impress the beautiful woman sitting in front of him.

Anecdote: Markle wore a blue dress that day. When the two women got married, she sewed the fabric of this dress in her wedding outfit to fill "something blue".

"I thought, OK, well, I'm really going to have to improve my game here."

"This beautiful woman literally stumbled and fell into my life."

This statement is part of a much bigger and much more beautiful feeling. According to Prince Harry, their love story was not a coincidence. On the day of the announcement of their engagement, Prince Harry said that the fact that he fell quickly and deeply in love with Markle meant that the stars were lined up for the couple. They were supposed to be, and nobody and nothing could change that.

"The fact that I fell in love with Meghan incredibly fast, somehow confirmed that all the stars were aligned, everything was perfect. [There] was this beautiful woman, who sort of stumbles and fell into my life [and] I fell in his life. "

"I know that in the end, she chose me. I choose it What we have to face, it will be us all together. "

There is nothing more romantic than the recognition of a couple in a team. In their first interview with the BBC, not only did Prince Harry repeat that they chose each other, but he then spoke of it as a unit. This means that their connection is strong and that they will be able to overcome any obstacles in their path.

Given their ability to overcome all the controversies around them, it is more than obvious that Prince Harry wanted to say exactly what he was saying.

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