Tooth grinding can cause various dental conditions ranging from broken teeth to tooth loss and subsurface problems. Since many people do not realize that they even cringe when sleeping, the first step in developing a teeth-grinding treatment plan with RLJ Dental is to to confirm the cause of the problem.
Aside from a thorough sleep study, the most common methods of diagnosing tooth grinding are for your dentist to check for jaw sensitivity, excessive tooth wear, or self-report of a jaw ache or a headache when waking up. The person you sleep with can also hear you cringe.
"You can train your brain to avoid grinding your teeth by doing simple things like positioning the tip of your tongue between your teeth," explains Dr. Jason Pohl, a dentist at RLJ Dental's Appleton, Wisconsin office. "It's also a good practice to avoid chewing gum, pencils or anything else that would get your jaw used to this extra pressure."
A grinding tooth treatment can repair damaged teeth and reduce the symptoms of TMJ
Your dentist may recommend a tooth-grinding treatment that is both proactive and responsive. Proactive efforts include stress management exercises, treatment of sleep disorders such as sleep apnea and the addition of a mouthguard. These tips also play a role in the dental hygiene of children.
A chronic grinding of teeth can have serious consequences on dental health if it is not treated. Your teeth may weaken due to the prolonged stress they experience, resulting in broken or loose teeth, or even tooth wear up to the strain in extreme cases.
"Tooth-grinding treatments may include restorative procedures such as dental implants, root cbads, crowns and other options if needed", Dr. Pohl notes. "Although grinding teeth does not seem to be a serious problem, it can result in significant damage.The best thing to do is to consult your dentist for an evaluation and discuss the best treatment options for grinding teeth. "
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Our trusted team seeks to build lasting relationships and we measure our success with a lifetime of smiles. Visit LRDental.com to find a store near you.
See the original article on the treatment of teeth grinding here.
RLJ Dental
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