The UN evacuates another 150 refugees from Libyan detention


The UN announced Tuesday that it had evacuated another 150 refugees from a Tripoli detention center affected by clashes, but said it was unable to relocate other people in a context of violence. fast escalation of fights.

The UN refugee agency announced that it had evacuated refugees, including women and children, from the Abu Selim detention center, in southern Tripoli, to its home country. gathering and departure center located in the center of the capital.

The operation came as fierce fighting continued between forces loyal to strong man Khalifa Haftar and those who support the nationally recognized national agreement government.

"It's a race against time to get people out of danger," Lucie Gagne, UNHCR's deputy chief of mission in Libya, said in a statement.

"Conflict and deteriorating security conditions are preventing everything we can do," she said.

At least 174 people have been killed and 758 injured in the battle for control of the Libyan capital that has shaken Libya since Haftar launched its offensive in Tripoli earlier this month, the World Organization said on Tuesday. the health.

Abu Selim is one of many detention centers affected by the clashes.

UNHCR, which last week evacuated more than 150 refugees and migrants from Ain Zara detention center, announced that it had planned to evacuate more people on Tuesday, but had been prevented from doing so. by a rapid escalation of fighting in the region.

Refugees evacuated on Tuesday are "petrified and traumatized" by the fighting and fear for their lives, UNHCR said.

Agency staff who organized the evacuation on the ground said the clashes were about ten kilometers away and were clearly audible, the statement said.

"We urgently need solutions for those stranded in Libya, including humanitarian evacuations to move the most vulnerable people out of the country," said Gagné.

UNHCR said more than 400 people were currently accommodated at GDF, but more than 2,700 refugees and migrants were still being held and blocked in areas where clashes were taking place.

The UN agency pointed out that the current conditions in Libya "underline the fact that (the country) is a dangerous place for refugees and migrants".

"Those rescued and intercepted at sea should not be sent back there," UNHCR said, reiterating its call for an end to the detention of refugees and migrants.

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