The United States, Daniel James, supports Chelsea and idolizes Eden Hazard


American Swansea City winger Daniel James is about to become Manchester United's first rookie this summer, but a recent report revealed that he was, in fact, a fan of Chelsea.

According to the Times, the Welsh winger is preparing to win £ 15 million to join Manchester United, which is a surprise deal after a decisive season in the championship.

Many clubs have shown interest in a contract with James, but details have now emerged about his love for Chelsea.

Stu Forster / Getty Images Sports "data-portal-copyright =" Stu Forster / Getty Images Sport "data-image =" 76kyz9vzob09 "/></p>
<p style=It is claimed that the player supported the club as a child and considers Belgian winger Eden Hazard as an idol on which he bases his game.

Although nothing says that Chelsea has ever been interested in an agreement, the club will certainly be aware of its achievements in the league with the Welsh side, as it prepares to try its luck in the Premier League.

Did Chelsea miss a round by not fighting for James?

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