The unpublished history of the Nogokpo shrine


General News on Tuesday, April 2, 2019



Nogokpo Shrine New play the videoThe sanctuary of Nogokpo

Nogokpo, a small village in the Volta region is mysterious because of the concept badociated with it. The mere mention of the name Nogokpo sends chills down the back of many.

However, Nogokpo means "to stay in peace". You can not freely access the whole canton. There are places you can not enter with your shoes or sandals. At this point, I was forced to change clothes.

Many people visit the shrine here, seeking justice from the gods of Nogokpo, not from the modern judicial system, but rather from a spiritual nature, and they always believe that in the end they will get answers and solutions to their problems.

"We always have solutions to our problems every time we come here," said a resident.

Torgbui Agbodzalu Amuzu, a ruler of Nogokpo, explains that the gods of the earth do not wrongly kill or harm innocent people, but rather punish the unrepentant whose families pay the ultimate sacrifice of death or remain permanently at the shrine.

According to Torgbui Amuzu, the shrine was allegedly imported from Agbozume as a result of a misunderstanding between the people and its leader known as Torgbui in the 1900s.

The people of Nogokpo say that you can always visit them and live with them happy, but if you have bad intentions, that's where it becomes problematic.

Here, a crime such as theft is almost zero percent for fear of being severely punished if caught by the gods.

Nogokpo is a small village located in the southern municipality of Ketu, in the Volta region of Ghana, along the trans-African coastal road. It is noted for its traditional and spiritual sanctuary.

The sanctuary, founded by Torgbui Sabah, is renowned for its high spiritual powers that govern the country and deliver justice instantly.

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