The veteran actor Kanayo O. Kanayo earned a law degree


Animations from Monday, June 17, 2019



KANAYO KANAYO2 Kanayo O. Kanayo (left)

Veteran actor Kanayo O. Kanayo has made his fans and himself proud after graduating from the University of Abuja.

The actor, 57, announced his latest feat on social media by sharing a clip of himself and some of his comrades at the graduation ceremony.

Kanayo who was a stellar actor of his time earned a law degree.

While savoring his moment of pride, he also congratulated his clbadmate, Elizabeth Ayua, who, according to her revelations, graduated with a first clbad from the same department and faculty.

Kanayo began his acting career in 1992 when he made his first appearance in a movie called The Bondage.

More than two decades later, he continues to approach the chiefs. He is currently Ambbadador to the United Nations and is a member of the Order of the Federal Republic (FRM).

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