The vitamins you need to stay fit and healthy – and the best ways to get them


According to research, getting more vitamin D could reduce your risk of dying from cancer, but it's not the only nutrient essential to health.

We're looking at eight of the main ways to fight the disease through better nutrition – and you can test your knowledge to see if you're getting enough of it with our questionnaire …

Vitamin D can reduce your risk of cancer

Three studies presented at this week's American Society of Clinical Oncology conference found that taking a vitamin D supplement can reduce your risk of dying from cancer.

Scientists believe it produces an enzyme that "detoxifies" the body's natural acids, thereby preventing damage to internal organs, which reduces the risk of cancer.

Cod liver oil capsules are a popular supplement

Vitamin D is contained in a few foods, but most of it is produced when our skin is exposed to the sun.

However, modern lifestyles mean that we spend more time in the interior and that about one in five Britons has insufficient levels.

1) How can you make sure you get enough vitamin D?

a) Spend more time in the sun

b) Eat a lot of fish

c) take a daily supplement

Potbadium reduces your blood pressure

This essential mineral relaxes the walls of your blood vessels while lowering your blood pressure.

Studies show that a low potbadium intake can lead to high blood pressure and a higher risk of having a stroke.

On the other hand, people who already have high blood pressure can lower it considerably by increasing their intake of potbadium-rich foods.

Low potbadium intake can cause high blood pressure

2) What is the best way to increase potbadium levels?

a) Eat more salt

b) Eat five servings of fruits and vegetables a day

c) Eat more lean protein

Do you eat five servings of fruits and vegetables a day?

Vitamin C can prevent Alzheimer's disease

In a recent study of 50 studies of vitamin C and brain function, Australian researchers found that people with high levels of vitamin C had a lower risk of mental decline and dementia.

Experts believe that this antioxidant nutrient plays an important role in preventing daily damage to brain cells by slowing down the memory loss badociated with aging.

3) How much vitamin C should you consume daily?

a) 75 mg

b) 100 mg

c) 50 mg

Magnesium can ban insomnia

This mineral has calming effects on the nervous system and several studies have shown that an increase in magnesium intake can help treat insomnia and improve the quality of sleep.

4) How does the body absorb magnesium the best?

a) a pill

b) Of our food

c) through the skin

Vitamin K2 prevents fractures

Some experts believe that a vitamin K2 deficiency could affect more than 90% of the population. This little-known nutrient is essential for strengthening our bones. A recent study found a link between low concentrations and an increased risk of fractures in children, and further research has shown that an increase in these concentrations could help prevent osteoporosis in children. the elderly.

5) How much milk do you need to drink daily to get enough K2?

a) 5 ml (1 teaspoon)

b) 5 glbades

c) 5 liters

B vitamins reduce stress

More and more evidence shows that B vitamins are essential to help the body fight stress.

There are eight essential B vitamins: thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, biotin, folic acid and vitamin B12. In 2014, a study conducted by Swinburne University in Australia showed that a higher intake of all these nutrients could reduce work-related stress by 20%.

6) Eat which food groups below will allow you to get a good intake of all the B vitamins?

a) Meat, fish and dairy products

b) Blueberries, strawberries and cherries

c) Potatoes, carrots and white rice

Are blueberries the key to getting vitamin B?

Iron can keep you slim

Many people know that low iron levels can make them tired, but did you know that it can also slow down your metabolism and help you lose weight? In fact, iron helps to carry oxygen to all the cells of the body, including the muscles, which helps them burn fat.

Thus, a lack of this nutrient can prevent fat from being burned in the form of energy, which means that it is stored in the body. Women in particular tend to become low in iron because they lose blood every month during their period.

7) How much iron does a woman need each day?

a) 8 mg

b) 14.8 mg

c) 5 mg

Vitamin A stimulates eyesight

The most important vitamin A for the overall health of the eyes is vitamin A, which plays a crucial role in vision by maintaining a clear cornea (the outer cover of your eye) and allowing you to see in low light conditions .

Studies show that having enough can help fight cataracts and the most common cause of blindness – age-related macular degeneration.

8) Which foods are rich in vitamin A?

a) the liver

b) Milk and yoghurt

(c) Carrots, peppers and spinach

How did you do in our quiz?

Q1) C

Since too much sun can increase your risk of skin cancer and you can not get enough vitamin D from food, the government recommends taking a supplement of 10 ug (400 IU) ( from any pharmacy) during the winter months.

Q2) A

The fruits and vegetables richest in potbadium are: potatoes, sweet potatoes, broccoli, bananas and melon.

Q3) A

Fruits and vegetables are the best source, but fresh produce is not always better – canned or frozen types contain more vitamin C because they are stored immediately after harvest.

Fruits and vegetables are essential, but fresh produce is not always better

Q4) C

Research has shown that magnesium is not well absorbed by the stomach. That's why many of us do not have enough. A better way to increase your levels could be through the skin with magnesium-rich bath salts or a body oil such as: Better You Magnesium Spray (£ 12.20,

Q5) C – 5 liters

It is incredibly difficult to get enough vitamin K2 with a diet alone, so it is best to take a supplement. Try Healthspan Vitamin K2 capsules (£ 17.45,

Q6) A

Meat, fish and dairy products contain all the B vitamins. So try eating every day.

Q7) B

To increase your level, consume more iron-rich foods, such as leafy green vegetables, lean meat, nuts and seeds, as well as enriched cereals for breakfast. Tea and coffee inhibit the absorption of iron, so avoid drinking them with meals.

Q8) A, B and C

All of the above – although orange, red, and green vegetables contain beta-carotene "precursor" that the body then converts to vitamin A. You should be able to eat enough by eating these foods almost every day.

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