The weight and consumption of the main risk factors for breast cancer


Overweight and regular alcohol consumption are the leading preventable causes of bad cancer, according to new research.

Scientists at NSW University formulated this discovery by badyzing six studies of more than 200,000 Australian women.

The data show that overweight or obesity contributes 13% to bad cancer cases, which would represent 17,500 cases over the next decade.

Alcohol consumption is the second most important factor, with 13% of bad cancer cases among premenopausal women and 6% of cases.

That would mean 11,600 cases in the next 10 years.

Current Australian recommendations recommend that people not drink more than two alcoholic beverages per day, but the study found that the risk of bad cancer increased with a single drink a day.

Another cause is menopausal hormone therapy, which has been badociated with about 7% of postmenopausal bad cancers.

In the vast majority of cases (90%), the treatment, which aimed to improve the symptoms of menopause, had been used for more than five years.

The long-term use of oral contraceptives was linked to 7% of bad cancers in women who have not yet undergone menopause.

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But UNSW researchers have emphasized that women should not stop taking the pill.

The latest advice from the Cancer Council suggests that, throughout a woman's life, oral contraceptives have a protective effect against cancer.

In the end, the study found that behavioral and hormonal factors account for about one in five bad cancer.

In Australia, about 18,000 women were diagnosed with the disease last year and it is the second leading cause of cancer death in women.

The study of the UNSW Big Data Research Center in Health was published in the International Journal of Cancer.


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