Theranostics: New Hope for Patients With End-stage Prostate Cancer Benefiting from Innovative Treatment, GenesisCare's First in the UK


WINDSOR, England – (BUSINESS WIRE– The first patients in the UK received innovative treatment
Theranostic treatment for advanced prostate cancer at GenesisCare,
give new hope to men who have exhausted other treatment options. the
GenesisCare, the largest private provider of cancer care in the UK, announced today
that service is now available at its center in Windsor for the first
time in the UK.

Theranostics is a highly personalized approach to cancer medicine that
combines two techniques into one: diagnosis (imaging) and therapy. the
diagnostic approach uses a radioactive tracer that is specific to
receptors found on the surface of cancer cells.1 Therapy (177lutetium
PSMA) is also specific and targets the same protein receptors on the
cancer cells of the prostate. The radioactive tracer acts as a system of "smart homing"
"Missile" to locate and destroy cancer cells. Targeted therapeutic limits
damage to surrounding normal cells, to minimize potential side effects
and improve the quality of life of patients.2

"Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men, but treatment
options that prolong survival and give hope for good quality
the end of the disease remains limited, "said Dr. Yong Du, UK Clinical
Director – Theranostics at GenesisCare. "Although it is not a complete treatment,
theranostics may allow appropriate patients to have a good quality of life, for example.
longer, and I'm proud to be part of this new and very
innovative technique in the UK – something that patients in Germany and
Australia can access it for several years now. "

Theranostics can be used to treat areas where cancer has spread, or if
the cancer is advanced and has not responded to other treatments. There is
limited options for patients with advanced prostate cancer,
men who have exhausted their treatment options or who are unable to
tolerates current treatments.

"Prostate cancer at an advanced stage remains a leading cause of death in
Men,3"Said Dr. Richard Shaffer, clinical oncologist at
GenesisCare. "Innovative and accessible options that improve the quality of
life, such as theranostics, are needed in advanced prostate cancer and
I hope to see better access to these types of advanced treatments. "

"GenesisCare aims to provide the best possible results for our
the patients. The introduction of the first clinically available
Theranostic program in the UK reinforces our commitment and contributes to
our goal to bring innovative and holistic solutions to cancer patients
in the UK, "said Emma Spellman, head of Theranostics and Imaging at
GenesisCare UK.

The GenesisCare Center in Windsor is now offering theranostics to
advanced prostate cancer and all neuroendocrine tumors, including the head
cervical and neck cancers and gastrointestinal cancers, the first four
patients in the UK now treated. For more information, visit



About prostate cancer
Prostate cancer is the most common
cancer in men and is a leading cause of cancer death. In
In 2018, more than 449,000 cases of prostate cancer were reported in
Europe . It is the third leading cause of cancer deaths in men
in Europe, with more than 107,000 men dying of prostate cancer in 2018.4

About theranostics
Theranostic, also known as radionuclide
targeted radiotherapy, is a highly personalized form of cancer treatment. he
is an innovative field of medicine, focused on personalization
treatment specifically for the patient by combining therapy and
diagnostics. Theranostic rather than a single model is
based on providing the right treatment for each patient, at the right

Theranostics can be used for many types of cancer and have the most
been used successfully for metastatic prostate cancer and for
neuroendocrine cancers (which can occur in several organs). Access to
the theranostic is very limited in the world and is now available in the clinic
for the first time in the UK. GenesisCare also offers service to
three places in Australia.

About GenesisCare
GenesisCare offers a holistic oncology
care in 12 specialized treatment centers in the United Kingdom, covering
radiotherapy, medical oncology, diagnostics, wellness services and now
Theragnostics. It is the largest provider of private cancer treatment services
UK. Over the next two years, GenesisCare plans to open five new
centers in the country to increase patient access to world-clbad care
when and where it is needed. Treatment in the United Kingdom is currently delivered
in Birmingham, Chelmsford, Elstree, Guildford, Maidstone, Milton Keynes,
Newmarket, Nottingham, Oxford, Portsmouth, Southampton and Windsor.

Internationally, GenesisCare's clinical teams see more than 160,000
people to more than 130 places. The organization employs more than
2,500 highly qualified health professionals and support staff in
Australia, Europe and now China, including some of the most
experienced specialists. For cancer treatment, this includes 33 centers
in the United Kingdom and Spain and 30 in Australia, with more than 25 new centers
under development on the network.


1 Herrmann K et al. 68Ga-PSMA PET / CT: Joint
EANM and SNMMI procedure guide for prostate cancer imaging: version
1.0. Eur J Mol Med Mol Imaging. 2017. 44 (6): 1014-1024. do I:
10.1007 / s00259-017-3670-z.

2 Hofman MS et al. [¹⁷⁷Lu]-PSMA-617 radionuclide
treatment in patients with metastatic prostate resistant to castration
cancer (LuPSMA trial): single-arm, single-phase, phase 2 study. Lancet
2018; 19: 825-33.

3 Cancer Research UK. Mortality statistics for prostate cancer.
Available at:
Last accessed in April 2019.

4 GLOBOCAN 2018 badysis of WHO for the Europe region. Available at the following address:
Last accessed in April 2019.

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