There is no reason why Ghana is not a rich nation with a well-off population


There is no reason why Ghana is not a rich nation with a well-off population

The agricultural sector is essential for Ghana to become a rich country. President Akufo-Addo is therefore right to make it a priority sector in his wealth creation program for ordinary Ghanaians. If the government wants to generate the kind of energy that has made the success of General Kutu Acheampong's agricultural policy, he has to invite permaculture agriculture star Ron Greenwood in Ghana to share his ideas. .

If our politicians are committed to replicating some of his ideas – which are sort of more ecological variants of the various agricultural initiatives of our country over the years – it would attract young people to agriculture and revolutionize the future. 39, agriculture in Ghana. The chiefs have enough land in the hands of the chiefs to give free to all Ghanaians wishing to embark on agriculture, across Ghana.

Moreover, if I am approached, I am pretty sure that the African Development Bank (AfDB) will agree to provide a grant that will allow interested Ghanaians to go to the district agricultural centers to collect seeds and free seedlings. . The question is, would not that help to eradicate poverty in Ghana? This country is remembered because far too many people lack the imagination to understand that the only thing that prevents Ghana from moving forward quickly is that we seldom adopt original thinking.

Otherwise, why would Parliament be in crisis in the face of a judicious decision to create a Parliament specifically designed to facilitate the very important role Parliament plays as a legislative bulwark against tyranny in Ghana – all because many believe that we can not afford it at the moment, and that it is not a priority of society? Tell whom, I ask? Haaba.

And, as long as we're there, can our many brilliant lawyers and economists tell this old fool of what a disaster could be happening in Ghana if we ceded the largest island of Lake Volta to Facebook for 99 years, so that the technology giant can turn it into a sovereign mini-state, to allow it to operate freely without any regulatory burden limiting its growth – and helps make our country extremely rich during the process ?

Naturally, such an agreement for Facebook to be unique and attractive would be an upfront payment of $ 100 billion and then an annual payment of at least $ 10 billion to Ghana. Ditto make the Bank of Ghana a partner of the cryptocurrency project Facebook Libra by giving him free shares. Let's invite Rob Greenwood and Mark Zuckerberg to Ghana to discuss these two issues with the ruling elites of our country as soon as possible. There is no reason why Ghana is not a rich country with a well-off population. Just think that the impossible is actually possible. Haaba

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