Theresa May announces resignation as Conservative Leader


Britain's Theresa May announced that she would step down as Conservative leader on June 7, triggering the process of selecting a new prime minister.

This decision follows three difficult years in power, during which May has not kept its promises on Brexit, which, according to her, would remain a source of "deep regret".

In a statement made on Friday at Downing Street, May said that she had worked hard to honor the wishes of the British people after the 2016 referendum.

"It is now clear to me that it is in the country's interest that a new prime minister lead this effort," she said.

Formerly a supporter of EU membership, May has experienced crises and humiliation in her efforts to find a compromise agreement on Brexit that Parliament could ratify.

The new prospective leader of the party is likely to press for a more decisive divorce deal.

A leadership race will start the week after the start of May.

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