Theresa May hints at elections as Brexit votes go to Parliament: live updates


Supporters of Pro-Brexit at Parliament Square Friday.

This was to be the first full week of the UK outside the European Union.

But after almost three years of infighting, division and political paralysis, the stalemate on Brexit continues to turn.

This week is another crucial step in the process. With rumors of the upcoming general election, the prospect of another significant vote and a series of indicative polls in the House of Commons, things could be much clearer in a few days. Again, they might not do it.

Legislators will have the first opportunity to negotiate a way out of Britain's growing political crisis. Today, they will hold a second round of indicative votes, hoping to unite behind a Brexit plan that could rival that of Theresa May and force the prime minister to find a compromise.

The options on which MPs could vote will likely include a customs union plan and a second referendum – and although the votes are not legally binding, it would be difficult for Downing Street to ignore a unified demonstration of support. .

Another round of indicative votes could take place on Wednesday, but reports suggest that Theresa May is also planning to find some time this week for yet another so-called significant vote on its withdrawal agreement. This divorce agreement has already failed three times in the House of Commons, with a majority of 230, 149 and 58.

And in case this is not enough for the Westminster tragedy for a week, rumors also abound that May may call a cliché general election to get out of the stalemate. The last time she tried this, in 2017, it went back dramatically – May lost her majority in Parliament.

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