These cows already have 5G and you do not have to


US 5G's deployment can be hindered and dispersed, with silly marketing tricks and a busy race in the front row, but next-generation wireless speeds, as promised, are already reaching their full potential. across the Atlantic Ocean – for example. a herd of cows in England.

according to ReutersCisco is testing the infrastructure needed for the eventual global deployment of 5G technology, which could be used by a variety of industry sectors that are not part of the technology bubble but are still dependent on increasingly sophisticated hardware and software. This includes agriculture. In this case, Cisco tests 5G in three rural areas by giving farmers access to 5G-connected cow collars and ear tags that can transmit biometric data and help workers monitor the herd. from afar.

One of three sites participating in the trial is the government-funded Agricultural Engineering Innovation and Precision Center, or Agri-EPI, located in Shepton Mallet, a small town in southwestern England. . Nearly one-third of her herd of 180 cows are equipped with 5G collars and tags. Reuters reports.

When you think about it, it makes a lot of sense: farms are large and scattered, and cows are often brewed between pastures and areas of the farm where they can be more easily milked and controlled. With the 5G Collars, Cisco explains that breeders can monitor animals at any time of the day without having to physically travel to watch cows closely.

In addition, the 5G Smart Collars help automate the milking process by wirelessly communicating with a robotic milking system that allows the cow to approach the station at its own pace, to break through barriers after a check. identity and connect to the robot no human intervention. The future is wonderful and strange, and farmers have access to it before you and me, because without them we are starving.

"We can connect each cow, we can connect every animal on this farm," said Nick Chrissos of Cisco. Reuters, which is perhaps the strangest pride that a Cisco executive has ever uttered in public. "This is what 5G can do for agriculture: to fully unleash the power we have on this farm, everywhere in the UK and around the world."

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