These weighted blankets will help reduce your anxiety and insomnia


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Photo credit: Courtesy

Good housekeeping

Weighted blankets are the newest way to help people who sleep badly to get a good night's sleep. Occupational therapists first introduced them as a treatment for behavioral disorders, but how do they work? The idea is that the pressure of the blanket can increase serotonin, a chemical in your body that makes you happy and calm. Experts speak of "deep pressure therapy". It is not meant to cure health problems, but it has become a popular way for people with anxiety, insomniacs and self-proclaimed "bad sleepers" to close their eyes.

Before entering our best choices, it is important to note that these blankets should not be used by people who can not move freely under the weight. Although sometimes used as a therapeutic medium for children, it is important to talk with their pediatricians first. Another thing you need to know about weighted blankets: they cost more than regular throwing blankets: most go from $ 100 to $ 200.

The first choice of the Good Housekeeping Institute is the relaxation of the number of sleep. She is the Associate Director of Textiles Lab, which Lexie Sachs uses at home and commentators loved the softness and relaxation of the included microfiber cover. One of them said that he was "very comfortable, I fell asleep while I was not even tired!"

To find out which ones are worth your money, the Good Housekeeping Institute's Textiles Lab looked at five brands of brands they trust and companies that have received critical acclaim online. They examined the materials used, the weight distribution (so that the beads do not clump together on each side), the innovative features such as cooling materials and washability. Then they sent them home with consumer testers to try to get an extra return. Below you will find everything you need to know about how to choose the best weight for your needs, as well as more information on the Sleep Number Relaxation and four additional weight blankets we have loved.

What should be the weight of a weighted blanket?

For adults, the blankets themselves are heavy, but not so heavy that you feel like being crushed under them. They are not like those X-ray bibs you wear at the dentist's. Instead, the covers are filled with tiny glbad, sand, or plastic beads that look more like a firm hug. There is not much difference between the three types of options, but sand and glbad beads tend to be smaller than their plastic counterparts. you are less likely to feel the pellets when you are satisfied.

  • Do the math. Most manufacturers recommend choosing a weighted coverage around 10% of your body weight. So, if you weigh about 150 pounds, a 15 lb. cover. is ideal.

  • Avoid oversize. You will want to stick to a blanket that does not hang at the edge of your bed. Otherwise, the weight will remove the blanket from your bed when you move at night. For this reason, the dimensions of most double, queen and king blankets will be smaller than traditional blankets.

Top 5 Good Housekeeping Institute Weighted Covers:

Relaxation of the number of sleep

Limit yourself to sleep through sleep if you want a very comfortable blanket. Online reviews were delighted by the fact that the warm microfiber blanket kept them from heating up during the cold winter months, in addition to reducing stress and anxiety. The lab is distinguished by its fabric construction, which maintains the uniform distribution of glbad pellets and has smart links to keep the outer cover in place. The insert is not machine washable, but most of the weighted covers are not, and the reviewers stated that they had no problem removing the outer cover when it needed to be cleaned. You can choose a gray, navy or cream outer cover and weights of 15, 20 or 25 lbs. weight.


If the exorbitant price that comes with most weighted covers is a disadvantage, consider the slightly cheaper option of YnM than more than 1,000 Amazon columnists swear by. Like its more expensive counterparts, YnM's cover has sewn glbad beads so you do not shift them if you change positions all night long. Some heavy rugs may seem hot and stifling, but many critics have mentioned how light the fabric of the blanket was breathable and even claimed that it kept them warm during the cooler months and cool during the most hot. The blanket is available in a range of 5 to 25 pounds. and comes in 13 colors and six sizes (more than any other in our test).

SensaCalm Custom

You must choose the fabric, size, weight and finishing details of this custom cover. You can even choose to include poly-fill to give the impression that your duvet is soft. (If you do not, it will be more like a quilt.) Unlike other styles, this entire cover is machine washable. Just note that it is made of plastic beads, which tend to take up more space and will be a larger blanket than glbad ones. Choose from five sizes, a weight of between 3 and 45 lbs and almost 50 colors and fabrics.


Kourtney Kardashian is one of many Instagram influencers who love this cover. It comes with a cold protective cover that wicks away moisture and is cool to the touch. For $ 80 less, you can get the cover without the cooling function and with an extra soft quilted cover instead. It is made of plastic pellets and its outer cover can be safely placed in the washer and dryer. Some online commentators have noticed that pearls tend to move, but that it was not something that they could not easily redistribute before snuggling for the night. The blanket is available at 15 or 20 pounds. and comes in the white cooling gel.

Brookstone Nap

While many weighted blankets weigh 15 pounds or more, this 12-pound option is ideal for those who just want some pressure to help them relax while watching TV or napping. The included outer cover is crafted from Brookstone's exclusive Nap fabric, which includes a soft plush and full satin trim. Inner ties allow him to keep the inner cover evenly distributed in the blanket – although some critics have noted that the weight gets a little uneven if they move a lot. The washable cover is available in taupe, ivory or gray.

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