This breath sensor is designed for keto dieters and has the science to support it – BGR


If you've checked with Google for diet advice in 2019, you've probably heard about the ketogenic diet – or just the "keto". The keto focuses on low carbohydrate intake, which pushes your body into a state called ketosis. Entering (and staying in) ketosis is the key to enjoying this very specific way of eating, and it is also a source of great confusion.

Keyto, a gadget that debuted on Indiegogo and raised nearly $ 1.2 million in crowdfunding, is the perfect way to track progress on a keto diet, and has an impressive scientific pedigree. It has just been launched and, as a person who has been following a method of ketogenic consumption for a while now, I was excited to try it out.

The human body will enter a state of ketosis in the absence of available carbohydrates. In case of ketosis, your body turns to fat as the main source of energy, creating ketones, and ko-diet people often consume large amounts of fat to stay full in the absence of rich foods. in carbohydrates. This can bring in many ways, but most people adopt the keto diet to lose weight.

By the way, I will not argue in favor of the keto diet, nor obviously against this diet, but I urge you to review peer-reviewed research on the effects of ketosis if you would like to learn more about it. Your uncle who attended an interview in a late-night infomercial about how the keto "starves" is not a reliable source of information, I promise.

When your body turns into ketosis and starts burning fat as fuel rather than carbohydrates (read: sugar), some other changes occur. Among them, there is a change in the level of acetone in your breath, and the Keyto device is designed specifically to follow this chemical signature. Keyto really has a very good explanation of this science on his website, as well as the research that supports it.

All you do is start the device, open the Keyto app, let it warm for a moment, and then inhale it like a straw. The app badyzes the numbers and translates the reading into a number between 1 and 10. This is your "Keyto score", and this is the means used by the company to simplify the sometimes confusing flow of data that accompanies the tracking of food.

At present, the most common method for monitoring a person's ketosis status is the blood test. This is considered quite accurate, but the test strips are incredibly expensive and poking your finger is not the most enjoyable experience in the world. When I tested my Keyto score against my blood test results, I found that both were almost always correlated.

If one was high, the other was also high, and vice versa. I found myself regularly leading the Keyto score, and these numbers were also reflected in the high rate of ketones in the results of my blood tests. I also did test my wife (who does not follow keto) on both the Keyto device and on the blood drive and I found that her results were also predictable. In simple terms, it works.

Keyto's approach is attractive, and the application and the device work very well, even after weeks and weeks of use. The app tracks the evolution of your Keyto score over time and depicts it on a handy chart with your weight. Everything is very clean and smooth, and the fact that the device has no consumables (no test strips, no cartridges, etc.) outside the batteries means it will probably be cheaper for most people long-term.

That said, some valid criticisms must be taken into account. Because of the way your body treats carbohydrates, you are either suffering from ketosis or not. Many people who have been on a long-term keto diet have rejected the idea that there are ketosis levels, insisting that higher readings (through blood tests or devices like Keyto) do not necessarily mean that your benefits are greater than those of a person who has just started ketosis.

There is not a lot of research to know if either side of this debate is correct, but it remains that if you want to check if you are in ketosis – and you do not want to sting a needle on the finger – Keyto offers an easy way to do it. It has quickly become the preferred way to track my ketosis condition, and while its price of $ 99 may seem disappointing, ketone blood test strips cost about a dollar. by tapehe probably already saved me money.

For people who are already following keto, this is an easy recommendation. It provides an easy-to-understand data point, and you'll know if you have ketosis or not. Is a Keyto score of 9 better than a 7? Maybe, or maybe not, but if reaching as many people as you can help keep your favorite way of eating is his job.

Source of the image: Keyto

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