Thousands of Congolese left Angola in a few days


In October 2018, Angola announced that about one month of 380,000 illegal migrants, mostly from neighboring DRC, had left the country in less than a month as part of a new regime. a government operation against diamond trafficking. By JOAO DE FATIMA (AFP / File)

In October 2018, Angola announced that about one month of 380,000 illegal migrants, mostly from neighboring DRC, had left the country in less than a month as part of a new regime. a government operation against diamond trafficking. By JOAO DE FATIMA (AFP / File)

Thousands of other people from the Democratic Republic of Congo have been ousted from Angola in recent days, a local official said Friday, joining more than 300,000 people deported under a court order. Expulsion that was causing concern for the United Nations.

Over the last three days, more than 3,000 people have arrived in Kahemba, Kwango province (western DRC), told AFP Severin Mubanga, director of Kahemba.

The group included pregnant women, children and infirm people, with very limited resources.

The Kahemba region is about 110 km from the Angolan border.

In October 2018, Angola announced that about one month of 380,000 illegal migrants, mostly from neighboring DRC, had left the country in less than a month as part of a new regime. a government operation against diamond trafficking.

For its part, Kinshasa "indignant" said at the time that the group had about 200,000 citizens, of whom about 30,000 were ousted "brutally" with methods that resulted in "loss of life".

During his visit to Luanda in February, Congolese President Felix Tshisekedi urged the Angolan authorities to inform his government of any decision to deport his nationals.

In October, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) expressed concern over the "rapidly changing humanitarian situation" caused by the mbad return of people from Angola in just a few weeks .

Most worked in the informal mining sector.

"Congolese people are returning to a desperate situation, seeking security and help," UNHCR spokesman Babar Balar said, adding that many people "would face difficulties because of the destruction caused by the recent conflict in the country." Kasai region, also on the Angolan border. .

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