Tinder will now validate the size of users


Tinder introduced a new feature, "Boy Validation Badge," to prevent users from lying about their size.

The Tinder look feature requires users to place photos next to any commercial building so they can enter "their exact and correct size." Tinder's algorithm then processes this photo and checks the accuracy of the user.

Tinder, HVB (Height Verification Badge) called the feature that he developed years ago; but because he trusts his users, he does not do it. When the situation is the opposite, there is such a need. "We started to find that many who said 1.80 were actually 1.70. said Tinder.


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Due to the ideal size in the dating world, men want to show their length a few inches longer. In women, a similar condition exists in weight; that is, they are more likely to share photos if they are weak.

Many people are responding to this new feature and, for women, the weight gain function is more than that.

Kaynak : https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/lifestyle/2019/03/men-outraged-after-tinder-introduces-height-verification.html

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