Tips for losing weight and losing weight: How to burn belly fat quickly – foods to avoid


A person may want to lose weight for all kinds of reasons. In addition, with abundant nutrition and many fitness routines, there are a multitude of options to choose how to begin your slimming journey. Although many weight loss tips are available, a number of fitness industry experts said it was not possible to spot areas of your body that were training. On the contrary, they suggested that the diet would reduce excess fat.

Cecilia Harris, Lucy's co-founder and personal trainer, told "To lose body fat in general, no matter what part of your body, it's all about dieting.

"It's about creating a calorie deficit."

Meanwhile, Vicky Fleetwood, 2014 Rugby World Cup champion, who is also a personal trainer, advised to make sure your plate contains a lot of protein.

"You want it to be high in protein, but at the same time, you do not want it to be too much protein, because your body can use so much," she said in an exclusive interview with Express.

"The rest, your body will excrete."

But what should not be included in your diet? Is there anything that thin should avoid?

Speaking on behalf of Lepicol Lighter, nutrition therapist Hannah Braye explained that a reduction in sugar intake could be recommended to promote fat loss.

"Cook from scratch, avoiding sugars and sweeteners often added to processed foods," she told

One of Hannah's best advice is to "control blood sugar by eating enough protein and fat, such as eggs, oily fish, grbad meat, nuts and seeds at every meal or snack. "

Terri-Ann Nunns, founder of dieting, said that a particular drink could help you get rid of belly fat.

The founder of Terri-Ann's Diet Plans has recommended that diets turn to green tea.

Explaining the benefits, she said, "If you want to ban belly fat, try swapping your usual cup of tea for a cup of green tea. A cup can increase the antioxidants in your blood, called catechins.

"The most important of them is the epigallocatechin gallate, a substance that can boost metabolism."

This is explored in the journal Green Tea, Catechins, Caffeine and Weight Regulation by Dr. M.S. Westerterp-Plantenga.

Terri-Ann also talked about six foods that you might want to incorporate into a diet.

She also agreed that it was not possible to lose weight in one area.

"Unfortunately, it's not possible to specifically target certain areas for fat loss and the reason you store fat in some places and not others often boils down to genetics – you may be genetically predisposed to endure an excess weight in this area.

"If you wear excess weight around your waist, it will be due to poor nutrition, lack of physical activity, or a sedentary lifestyle.

"As always, diet can play an important role in reducing excess weight, regardless of the region of your body."

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