Tobacco; The 11th Plague – Breaking Israel News


Then I feel Moshe and Aharon, and I plagued Egypt with [the wonders] that I wrought in their midst, after which I freed you. Joshua 24: 5 (The Israel Bible ™)

The Ten Plagues affected only the ancient Egyptians, year 11th Plague – tobacco tuxedo – today one person in the world every four seconds. Every day, 22 Israelis – or some 8,000 per year – from smoking-related diseases.

The annual World No-Smoking Day will be held on May 31. Although Israel has not issued a statement about it, the Israel Cancer Association (ICA) has a non-profit organization with 70 branches and 3,500 volunteers. by donations and fights to prevent and help the treatment of cancer – has remembered. It has released studies and made statements to raise awareness of the terrible danger and waste of life caused by tobacco.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 165,000 children under the age of five from respiratory tract infections due to exposure to secondhand smoke. Those who survive continue to suffer from the health consequences of exposure in childhood and are at the risk of developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) as adults. Today, smoking has more than eight million people a year worldwide, and has a million nonsmokers who die from pbadive smoking. This means that smoking kills one person in the world every four seconds.

The WHO aims at cutting the incidence of smoking by 30% within six years. According to data from the coalition of cancer organizations in the world, Prevent20, 20% of all cancers worldwide are related to the cause of more than two-thirds of all lung cancer deaths.

The global coalition has been established as one of the most effective prevention strategies. Its members, including the ICA, are trying to reduce the incidence of cancer deaths.

ICA director-general Miri Ziv said: "It is important to raise a generation of young people who are free of all forms of smoking and addiction to tobacco and nicotine. In the past year, the State of Israel has promoted equalization of taxes on cigarettes, expanded the prohibitions of smoking in the law and upgrading the restrictions and marketing law of addictive and dangerous products. the local authorities and the government remains inadequate.

Dr. Dudi Biton, a senior ICA doctor and information coordinator, explained: "We are concerned about new gadgets and marketing campaigns designed to encourage smoking rather than eradicate it. And are also concerned about the attribution of damage to the environment and the extent of their exposure to long-term studies. The diversion of public discourse by using terms such as evaporation, sometimes even by doctors, is an affront to scientific truth. Keep in mind that the source of nicotine in electronic cigarettes is also tobacco, just like regular cigarettes, so it is the same addictive substance with tremendous potential for health damage – but now it appears in concentrations far greater than those we have known before. "

Recent studies, continued Biton, have found that electronic cigarettes (e-cigs) contain toxic and carcinogenic substances that are badociated with the development of cancerous tumors, myocardial infarction, stroke and an increased risk of heart disease. "

"We are committed to reducing the physical, emotional and economic burden of cancer caused by smoking," said Dana Frost of the ICA's Health Promotion Program, adding: "Cancer kills smokers, and treatment costs huge amounts of money." The ICA has produced various media messages on the Internet and elsewhere to raise awareness.

Teens and young adults, who are particularly vulnerable to the effects of nicotine addiction, are particularly vulnerable to the effects of nicotine addiction. cigarettes and vaping evaporation devices are much higher than others

A new ICA survey reveals an interesting picture of the Israeli public opinion on smoking. The survey of participation of 506 women and men aged 18 and over in a national representative of the population that equalizes the price of smoking cigarettes, which affects them only once, already affects smokers. More than 40% of the total smoking rate of the day, which was forced on the Treasury by the High Court of Justice. Of those aged 25 to 34, about 46% are thinking of kicking the habit.

Although Deputy Minister of the United States of America, Ya'acov Litzman has long been in charge of the production of images of cigarettes and lungs and other images on cigarette packets on the grounds that they are "not aesthetic," the survey found that over 84% of the Israeli public favor graphic warnings with photographs.

According to the survey, 84.4% of the world's public warts with photographs on cigarette packets.

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