Today, it is Joseph Kabuleta, tomorrow it is you!


Dear friends, colleagues and interested parties,

The vindictive and scandalous charges against Joseph Kabuleta are totally unjustified. The government is simply trying to "control the debate"; and "silence" Ugandan. It is not a question of whether Kabuleta is right or wrong about the so-called "Muhoozi" project; it is the way in which state organs / NRMs try to use their own ideology to suppress comments. They are not themselves an unbiased source of opinion. They have not engaged in a sincere dialogue or debate with the opposition – forget the so-called IPOD meetings between Museveni and some opposition leaders – these meetings have not described or acted on a specific position agreed with Mr. Museveni. Anyone who speaks against Mr. Museveni, his family or the government is publicly labeled with a cleverly implicit epithet, and I think that is totally false.

Kabuleta has always been forthright and opinion, as are most of us. We should be allowed to do it in Uganda, right? — or have the police and other security organs taken steps to determine when, where and how this could be done? Have we really reached the point in today's society where anyone who dares to speak out against the regime should be arrested? The government must know that pointing the mud on the hands of your accuser does not dispel it.

In political opinions, in most cases, no line can be crossed. Freedom of expression means the freedom to have and express unpopular, bizarre, even stupid or dangerous opinions. If there are limits to the speech, then it is not free, is not it? If people do not like your speech, they are free to answer. That's what they are supposed to do after all. NRM should have asked someone to respond to Kabuleta's articles instead of arresting him.

Freedom of expression means that there are no legal restrictions on speech or punishment on the part of the state. That is why, for example, I am against the arrest of Dr.Stella Nyanzi for a poem that has been interpreted as an attack on Mr. Museveni personally, as heinous as I find some of his opinions-Yes I did not agree with the poem. Similarly, I also support Kabuleta in his "Weekly Rants" – to protect freedom of expression, but I do not agree with him that Muhoozi should not exercise his right to be president if he wishes. I do not think any legal conflict should affect those who have different views from those of the government or Museveni. The way people can be so confused about it is just a testimony to the inability of our overworked rationalization to produce unachievable results. MPs should therefore look at the law on the use of computers, or any "bullshit" they invented that violates our freedom of expression. Let the Ugandans express themselves, while keeping in mind the consequences of slander and defamation if the statements are false (or are made with "reckless disregard" as to their veracity).

Personally, I did not even know much about Kabuleta until my OB, Edris Kiggundu, started praising his writings. I think today it's a clumsy writer who also likes to create an effect by stating this in a simplistic and overly simplistic way in order to mislead readers by the head to get their attention, and I think he is, or maybe, blissfully unaware of the implication of his words (or, worse, he is aware of the implication and laughs at it). There was certainly

a phrase that touched me more than any other in his latest article on the Muhoozi project, & # 39; About twelve years ago, a close colleague raised the subject cavalierly but seriously, if you know what I mean. He knows that I am a bit of fire, an engine... & # 39 ;. After reading this, I thought, "Who is this guy?", "What exactly is he moving?" … "Is this a kind of personal importance or what?" But there is nothing wrong with his room, nor anything that deserves his arrest; In fact, it is simply consistent with what we all know but – faced with a potential vexation of the "politically correct" – he is reluctant to admit it.

Kibirige Semuwemba Abbey
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