Tom Gleeson Quit 'Hard Quiz & # 39; is a puzzle to help get a logie


Friday, Tom Gleeson abruptly and very unexpectedly issued a statement claiming that he was leaving the popular effortlessly ABC game show Hard Quiz, and immediately close the production of the show. If this statement seemed a little more serious, it was because it was. It turns out that the whole saga is a waterfall shot by Gleeson in order to be forgotten Gold Logie.


The story began to crash on Friday, when the CBA issued a statement in response to Tom's, claiming they were as shocked as anyone.

Tom's statement that he got away from Hard Quiz is news for us, especially since 10 new episodes will air later this year.

Things got a lot clearer yesterday when the Gold Logie nominations were revealed. Gleeson confirmed that he had "fired on his own" and was now holding the show hostage until he won the Gold Logie, after which the show would be released back look like usual.

I'm up for LOGIE GOLD! Last year, we proved that you can only win if you do not have a show. That's why I got myself. When I win the gold, I promise that I will de-balance #HardQuiz at once. Please forgive me hard! The vote begins on June 24. # Gleeson4Gold #tvweeklogies

– Tom Gleeson (@nonstoptom) May 26, 2019

In another statement published by, Gleeson has doubled its very clear requirements, which if fulfilled will result in the safe release of Hard Quiz.

I hold Hard Quiz hostage. I have the show in my basement with a gun aimed at the head. If you notice voting for me, Hard Quiz is dead.

If you like the series, the only way to stay on the air is to vote to win Gold Logie, otherwise I will refuse Australia Hard Quiz.

Gleeson, you may remember, led the # Denyer4Gold campaign that helped Grant Denyer Gold Logie from last year, despite the fact that the show for which he had been nominated – Family quarrel – had been removed from his position by Channel Ten and was not organizing a television program at the time he received the award.

So, Gleeson "quits" Hard Quiz – wink wink – and tries to mimic Denyer's jobless trajectory to the ultimate price of Australian television. It makes sense for us.

The vote for Gold Logie begins on June 24th. Other nominees this year include Amanda Keller, Eve Morey, Rodger Corser, Sam Mac, Waleed Alyand garden guru Costa Georgiadis.

Do the right thing, Australia. Release of help Hard Quiz.


Getty Images / Chris Hyde

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