Tony Blair is ready to join the government's "Plant for Food and Create Jobs" program | Policy


Former UK Prime Minister, Tony Blair, paid a courtesy call on the Minister of Food and Agriculture by pledging to partner with the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food. to the ministry for the implementation of the government's flagship program, Planting to feed and create jobs.

The former British leader, who is also the founder of the Tony Blair Foundation and the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, is impressed by reports that "the government has achieved remarkable success in the last two years in the agricultural sector. "

Mr. Blair highlighted the huge potential for investment in Ghana's agricultural sector, noting that the kind of successes the government has achieved under the leadership of President Nana Addo Dankwah Akufo-Addo since taking office in 2017 is remarkable .

The former British Prime Minister made the remarks when he visited the Minister of Food and Agriculture, Owusu Afriyie Akoto, in his office yesterday.

Both parties held closed talks focusing on investment opportunities and how the two organizations founded by the former British leader could contribute to the success of the country's agricultural sector.

At a joint briefing at the end of the meeting, Mr Blair said he was impressed by the general development level of the current regime, adding that his organizations were ready to go ahead. to involve Ghana in its economic transformation program.

The former British Prime Minister has also accepted the invitation of the Minister of Food and Agriculture to participate in the Forum on the Green Revolution in Africa (AGRF) organized this year by Ghana .

Owusu Afriyie Akoto, for his part, expressed optimism that Mr Blair's visit will create investment opportunities for the country, given Mr Blair's leadership and experience in the field of governance and human development.

He said that Ghana was leading a crusade in the agricultural revolution and economic transformation through the flagship Planter initiative for food and employment.

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