Tori Roloff explains why this pregnancy "was much harder"


During the weekend, Small people, big worldTori Roloff has published a photo and a long legend explaining why her pregnancy was so difficult this time around. The picture shows his smiling wife holding her pregnant belly in front of the Golden Gate Bridge during a recent trip to San Francisco.

The Instagram post of Tori Roloff

She writes in particular about how her body has changed during this pregnancy.

"This pregnancy was a lot harder for me than the last," begins Roloff with the caption. "Do not get me wrong, I've been so lucky … I'm not sick (and over) and I have not had any complications (thank you Lord). However, I had more trouble accepting my body this turn. I grew up much faster than with Jackson and I became much more uncertain. "

She then explains how people will ask her if she is sure she does not have twins. "In the interest of all, never ask a woman this question. As always, she writes.

"It's hard to really appreciate this pregnancy because I let my own body image problems interfere," Roloff said. "We women are so bada **. As if we could raise babies. And I know that I have to give this to God and be grateful for this gift – and I try to trust myself.

She ends her message with words of encouragement for her fans struggling with the same issues.

"But for all those women, whether they're pregnant or not, you have to hear that like me: you're beautiful, you're strong and you like it, no matter the problem. I know that someone else needs to hear this today. So, excuse me while I do my best to live these words and continue to grow a terrifying human being. "

The response of the fan

Roloff generally gets positive feedback on his Instagram page. Commentators usually tell him how cute they think Jackson is. But Roloff's post has elicited an extremely favorable response. Family members and fans gathered in the comments section to tell Roloff how beautiful and strong he is.

"You are such a beautiful and strong sister, I love you so much, and I am grateful for your honesty and wanting to make people feel less alone. LOVE YOU!" Wrote Audrey Roloff.

"As I said, you are the MOST beautiful mom in the world. Honestly, from the minute you were pregnant with this girl, you shaken her … inside AND out. So proud of you and such an honor to travel with you. It's amazing to try to see this baby as a gift, and it's TOTALLY ok to admit that it's sometimes difficult. I like you !!! "Wrote a fan.

"I was asked if I had triplets! You've been my sister and I gave you a big hug because mom's bodies have to do what they have to do! I love you !! I'm so excited for this sweet girl, "commented another.

Read more: 'Little People, Big World': Amy Roloff saw messages and photos exchanged between Matt and Caryn years before their split

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