Total wants to drill oil in the world's fastest ocean current


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Total SAThe discovery of South Africa's first deepwater oil by South Africa could prove to be a boon for a country without reserves of crude oil and propel the other majors.

This is the case if they manage to solve the technical problems posed by the operation in one of the fastest ocean currents in the world.

The Brulpadda discovery, with estimated reserves of about 1 billion barrels of oil, is located in deep waters about 175 kilometers from the South African coastline. This could be enough to supply South African refineries for almost four years and boost the country's economy considerably.

The prospect is, however, surrounded by the current of Agulhas, a stream of hot water where the Atlantic and Indian oceans converge, which crosses the east coast of the country and can cause waves at the height of a multi-storey building. Total claims to have found solutions to the problems, but not all explorers have the financial resources or the hard experience of the great French tanker.

When Total returned for a second attempt in December, with the Deepsea Stavanger platform to complete a well, he used engineering techniques never used before. While the rigs are usually carefully stabilized in the water by the propellers at the time of drilling, Total has also secured the platform with a tug to provide support.

Challenging environment

Total had to cancel a first drill attempt in 2014. The long-awaited attempt had to be abandoned due to mechanical failures caused by a hostile environment.

The first test lasted a few months and cost about $ 190 million, according to Dave van der Spuy, head of resource evaluation at the Petroleum Agency South Africa, which encourages exploration for the South-South government. African.

The French oil major quoted repairs necessary for the platform Eirik Raude, and his commitment to another contract, as reasons for the suspension of the activity.

Although the North Sea is tough, it is at least predictable, said Adewale Fayemi, Managing Director of Total E & P South Africa. "Here in South Africa, the waves and currents are mostly in opposite directions, which generates a very bad sea and the wind can be very strong and change direction."

Second trial

The second time, Total also used an onshore high frequency radar to stay ahead of the Agulhas current, Fayemi said. It also used a simplified climb control system, which links an offshore production structure located on the surface of the water with accessible and locally repairable subsea facilities, in particular to avoid problems that had ended team efforts four years ago.

"Total has deployed an operationally-appropriate platform and sophisticated weather forecasting system, coupled with the presence of an on-site specialist, to more accurately badess current weather and ocean conditions." Fayemi said.

The second attempt also took less time and was cheaper, costing about $ 160 million, according to Van der Spuy. "It's an incredible feat in terms of engineering and risk-taking."

Total plans to acquire 3D seismic data for the license this year to help determine its future prospects in this license, which it plans to pursue with up to four exploration wells.

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