Tourist Office Partner of Miss Heritage Global Multimedia Group


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As part of the Year of Return activities, the Ghana Tourism Board will host Miss Heritage Global with the Multimedia Group as an exclusive media partner.

Miss Global, scheduled for August 20, 2019 at the International Conference Center in Accra, will bring together 55 representatives from around the world.

Mudzithe Phiri, brand manager at Heritage Global, told MzGee of Joy News that the competition would provide Ghana with an opportunity to sell its local businesses beyond Ghana's coastline.

"We are very happy that this is happening in Ghana. As part of the year of return, the country is trying to bring as many people to Ghana, "he said.

He explained that the candidates will come with a delegation of people looking to do business in the country.

m Phiri added that the show would also be an opportunity for people entering the country and Ghanaians to also create a network of connections with each other.

"Ghana has many local brands, so it's also an opportunity for local brands to allow girls to discover local brands and help them sell their brands in their home countries," he said. he added.

Miss Heritage Ghana

Akwasi Agyemang, general manager of the Ghana Tourism Board, said his team was about to put Ghana on the map with this activity and other activities of the Year of Return .

"They have the legacy of doing that in South Africa and Zimbabwe. It is a different terrain, it is Ghana. We have our own way of doing things.

"The cultural way of receiving people should be different and the differentiators are what we are looking for. It's a global event, so we want to make sure we cross all our T's and all our I's. "

Speaking on behalf of the Multimedia group, Nana Yaa Serwaa Sarpong, channel director of Joy Prime, who are the major media partners, said the company's doors were open for fruitful partnerships.

Miss Heritage Ghana

"The multimedia group has existed in this country for more than 20 years. With regard to heritage in the media, we can claim and support the heritage celebrated in Ghana in the month of August and to which we are proud to be badociated. "

"Miss Heritage Global is a great idea and a noble cause that we are proud to defend. The year of return is paramount in the Ghanaian calendar and it is also for us as a media outlet. All of our business units will be involved in promoting the event, "she said.

Miss Heritage Ghana

Miss Heritage Global became operational in 2013, before this launch in Ghana, the pageantry was presented in South Africa and Zimbabwe.

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