Tribute to Edward Ameyibor by the Ghana Journalists Association


"The beauty of Israel is slain on your high places: how did the mighty fall! Do not tell Gath, do not publish it in the streets of Ashkelon; lest the daughters of the Philistines rejoice, lest the daughters of the uncircumcised triumph. "

The previous quote from 2 Samuel 1: 19-20 (KJV) is an excerpt from David's lament after he heard about the death of King Saul and his son Jonathan at the Battle of Mount Gilboa. David's lamentation is one of the most cited tributes ever rendered to men of great substance who honored the earth, not only because he had instructed his parents to teach to their children to do the same, but more importantly because of the relevance and brilliance of his words honoring great men in death.

On such a solemn occasion, as Ghana's media fraternity and the nation as a whole mourn, the Ghana Journalists' Association (GJA) could have found more than deserving words. to comfort and dignify one of his illustrious servants as David's lamentation. Although the circumstances that justified David's lamentations several millennia ago may be different from those that summoned us here, the tears from the eyes, the pain inflicted on the heart, the sorrow pumped into the soul and the Agony unleashed towards the body are all present. shared in both cases.

Undoubtedly, Edward Ameyibor, affectionately known as Oga, was a powerful man in the media, especially in the GJA. Under his leadership as President from 1988 to 1992 (after two two-year terms), the GJA was further recognized and had a greater impact in national affairs. He also served as the representative of the GJA in the Consultative Assembly that drafted the 1992 Constitution, the supreme law of Ghana on which our democracy and our essence as a nation is based.

In addition to his presidency, Oga has held many other positions with the GJA, including serving on the GJA Media Awards' flagship committee and as a facilitator of training programs for journalists. He brought a lot of dynamism to the badociation through which journalism in Ghana has discovered its prestige, pride and decency. As an anchor point of the old order of the GJA leaders, his quick sprint paved the way for the takeover of the new leadership order.

Oga worked for the Ghana News Agency (GNA) for nearly four decades, from October 1, 1963, to August 31, 2002, before retiring as editor. He has also been a correspondent for the GNA in Nigeria for many years, hence his nickname "Oga". After retiring from the GNA, he joined Diamond FM, a private radio station in Tamale, where he worked for many years as a general manager, training many other young journalists in the northern sector.

In the media fraternity, the number of journalists spawned and sponsored by Oga is indissoluble. Bright Blewu is one of his mentees. He was encouraged by Oga and campaigned to become the secretary general of the GJA, a position he held for about two decades to earn the title of "secretary general emeritus". Oga has prepared the heads, hearts and hands of many journalists for them to push their pens in order to develop their personality and their country. He had open arms that embraced everyone and a warm smile, young or old, big or small, big or thin, Ewe or Akan. As a magnet, he had a unique ability to attract people around him. He was humble, respectful and always wanted to help people. In addition, he was very jovial and filled with joy wherever he went. Indeed, the beauty of the GJA has fallen!

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During his retirement, Mr. Ameyibor also served as Acting President of HelpAge Ghana and as Secretary General of the SSNIT National Pensioners Association. He was, indeed, a servant of humanity.

For the GJA, Oga has achieved media legend status. And we think it deserves a place in the annals of the GJA. This is why we draw inspiration from David to tell his story in our press houses and in our schools and to publish it in the history books of the GJA, otherwise the girls of ingratitude rejoice. Once again, like David, we will inform our children – the next generation of journalists to come – of Oga to immortalize his name.

To family, old and new colleagues, bereaved friends and sympathizers, to the extent that Oga's death is heartbreaking, we encourage you to stay sober and comfort yourself with the words of Methodist hymnist Joseph Scriven in the second stanza of his always The song "What friend do we have in Jesus", which reads as follows:

"Do we have trials and temptations?

"Are there any problems anywhere?

"We should never be discouraged,

"Bring it to the Lord in prayer.

"Can we find such a faithful friend?

"Who will share all our sorrows?

"Jesus knows each of our weaknesses,

"Bring him to the Lord in prayer."

Oga, our father, our brother, our colleague, our eldest and our mentor, as you make a journey to the land of eternity, may God find you a resting place in his bosom up to our next meeting.

Bravo, worthy servant of the media and humanity.

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