TRON: block Japanese IP addresses to prevent the use of Gambling dApps


/ latest / 2019/03 / tron-foundation-recommends-blocking-japanese-ip-addresses-citing-regulation-reasons /

tron-foundation-recommends-blocker-japanese-ip-address-Citing reasons-regulation,

The TRON Foundation, the leading organization supporting ongoing development and day-to-day operations of Tron (TRX), one of the world's largest platforms for the creation and deployment of decentralized applications (dsps), has published an article on her blog on March 31 in which she made some clarifications regarding the creation of gaming dApps.

Notably, one of the most widely used use cases of blockchain technology on crypto-encrypted or token-based platforms concerns games and gaming related applications. However, the digital resource space is still in its infancy and most jurisdictions have not yet developed a comprehensive regulatory framework for crypto-badets.

The TRON Foundation clarifies its position on gaming applications in Japan

Recognizing that she "strives to promote blockchain technology" while encouraging software architects to create a diverse set of applications for her network, the TRON Foundation said in her official blog that she intended to "respect local laws and regulations in force". world."

According to the TRON Foundation blog, the organization aims to "strictly comply with the laws and regulations in force in Japan". In addition, the foundation's blog mentions TRON "does not encourage or recommend any game apps. [for] the Japanese market. "

TRON suggests blocking Japanese IP addresses

Notably, TRON "also suggests [that] Developers who work on gaming applications block users with Japanese IP addresses. He adds that programmers who build game-related dams on the TRON platform should refrain from "facilitating the use of gaming applications by Japanese users." "

The foundation also noted that TRON "will collaborate with [the] Japanese Government and provide the necessary support where appropriate [TRON-based] dApps is in violation of Japanese laws and regulations. "

TronBet earns more than $ 40 million in weekly profits

As mentioned by CryptoGlobe in early March 2019, TronBet, a decentralized betting platform deployed in the Tron blockchain, had a record profit of $ 41 million a week.

Vance of Twitter users revealed (at that time) that users were betting heavily on TronBet – the app reported average daily profits of between $ 75,000 and $ 100,000.

The user also reported via the microblogging social media network that TronBet's "best user" had "wagered $ 98 million" and that "the top 20 users" had "wagered $ 455 million" in a single week. According to these estimates, the dapp TronBet could have recorded profits of nearly $ 36 million "with [a profits to earnings] P / E ratio of 1 ", said vance.

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