Trump accidentally reveals his plan to immigrate to Mexico


President Trump waved a sheet of paper on which were written the details of the agreement

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US President Donald Trump has inadvertently revealed some details of his immigration agreement with Mexico.

S addressing reporters, he declined to give details on the anti-migration projects, saying he wanted to let Mexico announce it at the right time.

However, he said that by waving a single sheet of paper on which the details of the transaction were written.

The contents of the sheet were then captured in photographs taken by the media.

The document contained references to a regional asylum plan, which would imply that several Latin American countries are processing migrant asylum applications in order to avoid US tariffs.

This plan had already been partially announced Monday by the Mexican Minister of Foreign Affairs, Marcelo Ebrard.

The document also mentioned "45 days" and indicated that Mexico was committed to immediately reviewing its legislation to enable it to become a "safe third country" if necessary.

What did Mexico say about this agreement?

On Monday, Ebrard said Mexico had 45 days to show that it was able to contain the flow of migrants from the United States by strengthening its southern border.

It currently deploys 6,000 members of the National Guard on the border with Guatemala.

If this plan fails, said the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mexico will be designated "safe third country", which means that asylum seekers crossing Mexican territory will have to apply for refuge in this country rather than In the United States.

Mr Ebrard said that the United States had insisted on this measure and that it wanted it to be implemented immediately.

But he said, "We told them – I think it was the most important outcome of the negotiations -" set a deadline to see if what Mexico proposes will work, and if not, we'll sit down and see what measures [are needed]& # 39 ;. "

"They wanted something totally different to be signed, but that's what there is here, there is no other thing," he said. .

Asylum seekers from Honduras crossing Rio Bravo

Image caption: Migrants from Honduras try to cross the Rio Bravo to ask for asylum in El Paso, Texas

If Mexico fails to limit the migration within 45 days, other countries will be involved.

Discussions will be held with Brazil, Panama and Guatemala – countries currently used by migrants as transit points – to see if they could share the burden of processing asylum applications.

Ebrard also said the US negotiators wanted Mexico to commit to "zero migrant" crossing its territory, but that it was "mission impossible."

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