Trump accused of complaining to white nationalists


Four Congressional women, attacked by US President Donald Trump in tweets known to be racist, accused him of complaining to white nationalists before the 2020 vote. In response, they urged the Americans not to be deceived by his "rhetoric of division".

Defying to widespread criticism, Trump reiterated his call for the four women of color to leave the United States "now".

"These are people who hate our country," Trump said Monday. "If you're not happy here, you can leave."

Far from backing down, Trump was inspired by what he had originally said a day earlier on Twitter, namely that if lawmakers "hated our country", they could return to their countries "ravaged and infested of crime ".

Trump also accused the four women of the Democratic Congress – Hispanic, Arab and African American – to have "love" of American enemies such as al-Qaeda .

Although Trump did not designate his targets, his remarks seemed to target four legislators of the declared minority, including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ayanna Pressley of Mbadachusetts.

Three of the women were born in the United States and one, Omar, was born in Somalia but arrived in the United States as a child.

"He launches a blatant racist attack against four duly elected US House of Representatives, all of whom are women of color," said Omar, accused by Trump of being a sympathizer of Al Qaeda.

"It's the agenda of the white nationalists, whether it's chat rooms or national television, and it's now reaching the White House garden," Omar said.

Eye on 2020 vote
"These women are coming out of this context," said Marc Porter, president of the Republican Overseas organization in France.

"He defends his point of view and that of his supporters by defending them from the women called The Squad, and to me they look more like a group of brutes who are going back to school, and the president has him. and his followers have been attacked by them and he's responding, "Porter told RFI.

Trump's comments appear to be aimed at lighting up his predominantly white electoral base for the 2020 presidential vote.

"What you have here are the ingredients of the storm provoked by Trump's social media, let's call it: racism, its mistrust of other countries," says Scott Lucas, professor of American politics at Birmingham University in London. United Kingdom.

The Trump explosion was the last episode of a presidency in which he had swayed convictions of black athletes kneeling during the national anthem to insults launched in developing countries to defend the protesters at a white supremacist march.

"It's an electoral tactic, whether it's from Donald Trump or his advisers, they'll try to stand for Trump's re-election next year on the idea that extremists – enemies of the United States – have taken over. Power to the Democratic Party and try the country from the inside – this is the way you target your political enemies, "Lucas told RFI.

Analysts suggest that Trump's comments could also be aimed at deepening divisions within the Democratic Party, prompted by an internal debate over how best to oppose his policy.

Meredith Gowan The Goff, a member of the group of American Democrats Abroad in France, said the plan "turned against him".

"The Democrats rallied and unified because it clearly showed that they wanted to launch gasoline into a situation to try to ignite it on a racial basis," she told RFI.

Strong resolution
Republicans have been slow to respond to the president's tweets. Several said it was offline Monday, while others have defended it.

"The president says that America has progressed much further than other countries, he says it in his own way, which is harsh, but he is trying to get the message across," Republican Overseas' Porter said.

At the same time, Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi said Monday that the House would vote on a resolution condemning its new comments, forcing lawmakers to come forward publicly.

"I do not often agree with the words and the choice of the president, but if we put aside our sensitivity and start thinking more realistically, he tries to make it clear that if these four women in Congress stopped to complain, we could give glory back to America, "Porter said.

The Democrats' resolution "strongly condemns the racist remarks of President Donald Trump" and claims that they "legitimized and heightened the fear and hatred of new Americans and people of color".

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