Trump announced a nuclear deal just to provoke Obama


Donald Trump and Barack Obama, both in common, deeply hate each other's politics. the The tension between the United States and Iran seems to have reached a dangerous level. Apparently, the conflict was only triggered by a whim of the acting US President.

Once again, a secret badessment of former British ambbadador Kim Darroch to Donald Trump has been brought to the attention of the public. And again, they have everything … allegedly, the US president withdrew in May 2018, mainly because of the nuclear deal with Iran, which had been brought back to his predecessor Barack Obama . This is reported by the British newspaper "Mail on Sunday".

Britain's ambbadador to the United States, Kim Dorroch, said in his confidential dispatches that the US government "was relying on an act of diplomatic vandalism, apparently for ideological and personal reasons – 39, was an agreement of Obama ". The British foreign minister at the time, Boris Johnson, had gone to Washington at that time to convince Trump not to abandon the nuclear deal.

The 2015 Vienna Nuclear Accord aimed to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons. In return, sanctions and Western trade barriers should be lowered. The nuclear deal is considered one of the most important international agreements, although one of the most controversial, under President Barack Obama. Trump then unilaterally announced, in May 2018, the US release of the agreement. The US government has tightened its sanctions. In response, Iran is no longer in full compliance.

"No strategy for tomorrow"
In his report, Kim Darroch went on to say that the Trump team disagreed on the decision. He also criticized the fact that the White House has no long term post-exit strategy. There is no "strategy for tomorrow," Darroch writes. Moreover, there does not seem to be a plan to turn to partners and allies in Europe or in the region.

The US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, was "slightly behind" Trump, in discussions with Johnson, constantly talking about the president's decision. Pompeo had indicated that he had tried unsuccessfully to re-fix Trump.

Kim Darroch resigned on Wednesday after "Mail" issued secret dispatches calling US President Donald Trump "incompetent" and "insecure". The incident sparked a diplomatic exchange between Washington and London. Trump described the British ambbadador as a "stupid comrade" and a "pompous idiot" and ended the cooperation because he had described the US government as "incompetent".

Francis Tawiah (Duisburg – Germany)

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