Trump, make America great again!


Trump does not stop saying that his father was born in Germany - he was not

Trump does not stop saying that his father was born in Germany – he was not

Listen to President Trump talk about immigrants and his immigration policy in the United States. The vehemence with which he continued to defend his draconian approach even with regard to the separate family union is perhaps intended to hide his own antecedents. Just put two and two together to find out what kind of man this guy is.

According to the Guardian newspaper, at a press conference with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, Donald Trump falsely claimed that his father was born in Germany. Trump made this badertion by criticizing German Chancellor Angela Merkel, whose country, the president said, "was not paying its fair share" to the military alliance.

"I have a lot of respect for Angela and for the country," Trump said. "My father is German, was German, born in a very wonderful place in Germany, so I have a very good feeling for Germany."

But in reality, Trump's father, Fred Trump, was born in New York. Trump's grandfather, Friedrich Trump, was born in the German village of Kallstadt.

According to a German historian, Friedrich Trump would have emigrated to the United States in 1885, fleeing poverty and apparently occupying miners during the gold rush in the western United States. He returned to Germany in 1901 and fell in love with Elisabeth Christ. Both married and returned to the United States.

Friedrich tried to return to Germany in 1905 when his wife, Elizabeth, was homesick, but he was expelled from Germany and told not to return after it became apparent that He had not performed his compulsory military service.

The couple returned to the United States on a ship bound for Pennsylvania. Elisabeth was three months pregnant with Fred at the time. Their son, who was to become President Trump, was born in New York.

You see now why Trump does not have the American accent of origin. It is in the nature of the sinful man not to adopt a policy of "live and let live".

From 1905, when his father was ejected from Germany, from his own country, he was forced to emigrate to the United States until today, he did not than 114 years – less than two generations!

If his ancestors had trouble settling in their country, Germany, and had to emigrate to the United States, why can Trump not understand that other people he dismissed as coming from countries? .h live only what his grandfather lived?

That alone shows the kind of man that Trump is. He does not care about the American constitution. You can imagine the type of human being "live and let die" that "makes America even better!

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