Trump racist tweet: What did Donald Trump say to provoke a mass scandal? | World | New


In a series of three tweets, US President Donald Trump called on Democratic women members of Congress to "return" to the countries from which they came. He did not say explicitly who he was talking about, but the context clearly highlighted a group of four congressional women sometimes dubbed "the squad". Three of the women were born and raised in the United States, another arrived in the United States as a 12-year-old refugee.

The whole series of tweets said: "So interesting to see" progressive "Democratic Congress women from countries where governments are a complete and total disaster, the worst, most corrupt and most inept in the world (even though they have a government power at all), now say loudly and viciously to the people of the United States, the largest and most powerful nation in the world, how our government should be run.

"Why do not they come back and help repair the totally devastated and crime-ridden places they come from? Then come back and show us how it's done.

"These places are in great need of your help, you can not leave fast enough.

"I'm sure Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to be able to organize a free trip quickly!"

READ MORE: Melania Trump's roots accused Donald of hypocrisy after a "racist" tweet

The reference to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, revealed it – Ms. Pelosi had run into four women last week, but defended herself as a result of this tweet.

Congressional Women – Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley, and Ilhan Omar, arrived in the United States as a 12-year-old refugee – all described the president as racist and were supported by party members Democrat.

Ms. Ocasio-Cortez was born in the Bronx in New York, just 20 km from the Queens Hospital where Mr. Trump was born.

The clashes between Ms. Pelosi and the four women took place as a result of internal quarrels between Democrats over funding at the border.

Ms. Pelosi argued for the package, the four women – all newcomers to Congress having a progressive agenda – voting against.

In response, Pelosi quoted Trump's tweets as "xenophobic".

She wrote, "When @realDonaldTrump asked four US congress women to return home, he reaffirmed that his plan to" Make America Great Agai "was always aimed at making America whiter. Our diversity is our strength and our unity is our power. "

Ms. Ocasio-Cortez tweeted to Mr. Trump: "In addition to not accepting an America that has elected us, you can not accept that we do not fear you either."

Ms. Tlaib, congressman from Michigan's 13th district, tweeted to ask for Mr. Trump's indictment.

Ms. Omar told the president that he "fed white nationalism because you are angry that people like us are sitting in Congress and fighting your hate-filled agenda."

And Ms. Pressley shared a snapshot of Mr. Trump's tweet, adding, "That's what racism looks like. We are what democracy looks like. "

Since the initial tweet and the ensuing repercussions that led to the condemnation of British Prime Minister Theresa May, Trump continued his tirade on Twitter.

One of his most recent tweets said: "If the Democrats want to unite around the vulgar language and racist hate thrown up by the mouth and the actions of these very unpopular and unrepresentative Congressional women, it will be interesting to see how that unfolds. "

It is still tweeting.

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