Trump threatens to strengthen "soon" sanctions against Iran | Iran News


US President Donald Trump on Wednesday reiterated his country's threat to toughen sanctions against Tehran and again denounced the 2015 nuclear deal that Iran signed with the world powers.

Trump 's tweet was released as the UN nuclear watch group held an emergency meeting to discuss the Iranian nuclear program.

"Iran has secretly" enriched "a long time, in total violation of the terrible $ 150 billion deal signed by John Kerry and the Obama administration. Remember that this agreement was due to expire in a few years. The sanctions will soon be significantly strengthened. ! "Trump tweeted without elaborating or offering evidence.

Iran has responded to the US President's allegations by stating "we have nothing to hide".

Although Iran had secret enrichment sites long before the nuclear deal, the agreement also imposed on Iran the most intrusive nuclear oversight of any country, and there were no serious suggestions that Iran is secretly enriching.

Last year, Trump unilaterally abandoned the nuclear deal with Iran in 2015 and reinstated punitive sanctions imposed on Iran.

At the meeting of the Board of Directors of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on Wednesday, the United States sought to pressure Iran for violation of the law. 2015 nuclear agreement, accusing it of extortion and promising to maintain the sanctions while proposing to continue discussions.

The representative of Iran to international organizations in Vienna, Kazem Gharib Abadi, said at the meeting that US actions were "neither legitimate nor legal" and should not be accepted by the international community .

"Unchanging strategy"

The United States called for the IAEA meeting after Iran announced last week that it had exceeded the amount of low enriched uranium that it is allowed to use. to stock under the 2015 nuclear agreement with the world powers. Since then, he also announced that he had begun to enrich uranium beyond the authorized purity of 3.67%, to 4.5%. The IAEA has verified both developments.

Iranian President Hbadan Rouhani said on Wednesday that Tehran's measures were part of the deal.

Meanwhile, a senior Iranian security official said on Wednesday that Iran would not reconsider its decision to increase uranium enrichment beyond the limits until it reaches its "full rights" under the agreement.

According to the official IRNA news agency, Ali Shamkhani reportedly told a French envoy on Wednesday that the decision to increase enrichment was an "immutable strategy". Shamkhani then criticized European countries for their "lack of will" in easing US sanctions.

Washington, meanwhile, wants to isolate Iran to force it to negotiate the nuclear pact, its missile program and its actions in the region.

Trump had earlier warned Iran to "pay attention" to enriching uranium, saying the country "will never have a nuclear weapon". US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had also previously warned against an increase in sanctions.

Iran denies seeking to obtain nuclear weapons and refers to a religious decree issued in the early 2000s by Supreme Leader Ali Hosseini Khamenei not allowed "the production, storage and use of weapons of mbad destruction, and in particular nuclear weapons".

Iranian officials and observers have mocked Washington's apparent demand that Iran respect an abandoned deal.

In the context of the multilateral pact, Iran accepted drastic limits to its nuclear program and submitted to IAEA inspections in exchange for a partial lifting of crippling international sanctions.

But Trump's withdrawal from the deal on May 8, 2018 – and the resulting sanctions – deprived Iran of expected economic benefits and dealt a further blow to its economy.

The European states, who opposed the American movement, had trouble reacting.

Diplomats from several countries sitting on the IAEA board of directors said that, if fierce exchanges between the Iranian and US envoys were likely during the meeting at the agency's headquarters, they would were not expecting the council to take concrete action.

Britain, France and Germany are planning to embark on a new war between the desire to show their dissatisfaction with the violation of the agreement by Iran and the desire to maintain in force a pact presented by the signatories in 2015 as essential to prevent a wider war in the Middle East.

Al Jazeera and news agencies

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