Trump triumphing after Mueller's discoveries


Donald Trump claims that he was completely exonerated by an investigation into allegations that Russia conspired to help win the 2016 elections.

A summary of the long-awaited report of special advocate Robert Mueller released Sunday revealed that the Trump campaign had not plotted with Russia.

However, the question of whether or not Mr. Trump obstructed justice was inconclusive.

Russian allegations have overshadowed Mr Trump's presidency and his chances of re-election in 2020.

Opposition Democrats demand full access to Mr. Mueller's report, which Attorney General William Barr summed up for Congress.

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This report marked the culmination of two years of investigation by Mr. Mueller, in which some of the former senior aides of the president were prosecuted and, in some cases, imprisoned, but not for collusion with the Russia.

How did Trump react?
Speaking at the Palm Beach International Airport in Florida, Mr. Trump said: "There was no collusion with Russia. There was no such thing as Obstruction … it was a complete and total exemption. "

"It's a shame that our country has had to go through this," he added. "To be honest, it's a shame that your president had to undergo this, even before I was elected it started and it started illegally."

After repeatedly describing the investigation as a witch hunt, Mr Trump said it was "an illegal withdrawal that had failed".

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, who has been critical of the president in the past, tweeted that it was a "big day for President Trump and his team".

"The cloud hanging over President Trump has been removed by this report," he said.

Kellyanne Conway, a White House advisor, sent the President "congratulations" on Twitter, in which she said: "Today, you have again won the election of 2016. And you have a gift for the election of 2020 ".

Is Trump really clear?
In his summary, Attorney General Barr writes: "The special advocate has not concluded to the existence of a US official or a Trump campaigner who conspired or knowingly coordinated with Russia ".

But on the question of whether justice was impeded, Mr. Mueller's report states: "Although this report does not conclude to the commission of a crime by the president, it does not exonerate it no more."

House Democratic Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer said in a joint statement that Trump's claim that he would have been "completely exonerated" should not " not be taken with any degree of credibility ".

They called for full access to the Mueller report.

The Democratic Chair of the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives, Jerry Nadler, said he would ask Mr. Barr to testify before the Judiciary Committee of the House "in the near future" for "very troubling differences and the final decision-making at the Ministry of Justice ".

A dozen other investigations are continuing on Mr. Trump's activities. These include a federal inquiry in New York over possible violations of the election law by the Trump campaign and its companies, and a possible misconduct by Trump's inauguration committee.

The Congress is also pursuing its own investigations, mainly in the democratically controlled House of Representatives.

What do they say in Russia?
Russia denied having participated in a hacking to influence the outcome of the 2016 US elections.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov mocked the idea that there would have been collusion: "I remember the words of the Chinese philosopher who said that it was difficult to to find a black cat in a dark room, especially if it was not there, still not understand this through the ocean. "

Alexei Pushkov, member of Russia's upper house, tweeted: "Democrats, Russophobes and mainstream media have created a virtual plot that only existed in their head and headlines, and nowhere else" .

Credit: The BBC

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