Trump warns "silly" Republican senators in an exceptional dispute over Mexico's tariffs | American News


In a rare confrontation, Republican senators on Tuesday declared their deep opposition to Donald Trump's threat of tariffs on all products coming from the United States and arriving in the United States. But it is not clear that they have the voices to prevent it, and Trump said they would be crazy to try.

All parties, including Mexican officials meeting with Trump's negotiators in Washington this week, continue to hope that high-level talks will relieve the president of his threat. But as tariffs begin next Monday and Trump declares them "more likely" than not to come into force, Republican congressional MPs warned the White House that they were ready to stand up to the president.

The division of the public and the imminent blocking of tariffs of 5% on all products imported from Mexico revealed a fundamental divergence of values ​​between the president and his party. Trump uses customs duties to get what he wants. In this case, it forces Mexico to do more to stop illegal immigration. For Republicans, tariffs go against a well-rooted orthodoxy and are nothing more than taxes to which they fiercely oppose.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said unenthusiastically, "My conference does not have much support for tariffs, that's for sure."

During a long in-camera luncheon at the Capitol, Senators in turn warned Trump officials that there might be problems if the GOP-held Senate voted against tariff disapproval. Congress's rejection would be a harsh rebuke for Trump, even more forceful than a previous effort to prevent him from transferring money for building his long-promised border wall with Mexico.

"Deep concern and resistance," that's how Senator Ted Cruz of Texas characterized the mood. "I will not give in to anyone pbadionate, serious and committed to border security, but there is no reason for Texan farmers and ranchers, manufacturers and small businesses to pay the price for mbadive new taxes."

Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, who was among the senators who spoke, said: "I think the administration must fear a new vote of disapproval … I am not the only one to say it."

The result would be uncertain – Trump could try to veto a disapproval resolution as he did before. But many Republicans who voted against Trump earlier this year supported his ultimate goal of building the border wall. They were simply uncomfortable with the executive power to do it. The president does not have the same support for the tariffs.

The opposition GOP is based on fears as to what Trump's tariffs would have on the livelihoods of ordinary Americans. Senators are worried about raising the costs of US consumers, harming the economy and jeopardizing a major trade deal between the United States, Mexico and Canada.

Jerome Powell, chairman of the US Federal Reserve, said on Tuesday that he was ready to react to protect the economy and that equities rallied, signaling that the Fed would likely lower its interest rates later this year.

Mexico is also concerned about tariffs, but senior officials seemed optimistic about a resolution.

"From what we have seen so far, we will be able to reach an agreement," said Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard, at a press conference at the press conference. Embbady of Mexico in Washington. "That's why I think the imposition of customs duties can be avoided."

Trump, at a press conference in London, issued conflicting messages.

"We will see if we can do anything," he said on the second day of his state visit to Britain. "But I think it's more likely that tariffs will continue." He also stated that he doubted that the Republicans of Congress were collecting votes against him. "If they do, it's silly."

"Certainly, my conference did not really support the rates," Mitch McConnell said.

"Certainly, my conference did not really support the rates," Mitch McConnell said. Photography: Nicholas Kamm / AFP / Getty Images

Mexican officials arrived in Washington this weekend as Mexico launched a diplomatic counter-offensive and new negotiations. On Tuesday, Mexican trade negotiator Jesus Seade met with US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and Ebrard will meet US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Wednesday.

Republican senators hope that these negotiations will prevent tariffs. But if negotiations fail, lawmakers warn that they may have no choice but to act to stop Trump. "We hope the rates will be avoided," said McConnell.

Lawmakers and business allies fear that tariffs will derail the long-promised trade agreement between the United States, Mexico and Canada (USMCA).

Sen. Chuck Grbadley of Iowa, Republican Chairman of the Finance Committee, told reporters Tuesday that the rates made the USMCA's adoption "more difficult".

Meanwhile, there were still questions about exactly how the president would invoke the executive power to impose tariffs on Mexican products – and what Congress could do to block it.

Trump said he would rely on the International Law on Emergency Economic Powers, a national executive action that he can take without congressional approval.

But lawmakers say that they can quickly vote on a resolution of disapproval. This is what happened earlier this year when Congress, stunned by the badertion of Trump's executive power, tried to stop him from taking funds for the border wall with Mexico. Congress voted to disapprove of Trump's actions, but the president vetoed the resolution.

This time, the Republicans warn that the figures could be higher against the president, possibly a majority in the Senate opposed to the veto. But it is not clear that the president could be stuck in the House, where Republicans would be less likely to oppose it.

Democrats – and some Republicans – doubt that tariffs come into effect. Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer said Tuesday, "Trump has a habit of talking hard and then withdrawing."

Trump fought back against Schumer on Twitter, insisting that the tariff threat was "not a bluff."

Earlier on Tuesday, Trump said that "millions of people" were entering the United States via Mexico and had criticized congressional Democrats for not adopting new laws. He said: "Mexico should not allow millions of people to try to enter our country".

It is unclear what Mexico can do more and what would be enough to convince Trump of illegal immigration, a major issue of his presidency.

The United States did not provide concrete criteria for determining whether their ally was adequately curbing the flow of migrants from Central America. Mexico considers that potential tariffs are damaging to the economies of both countries and that there is no point in slowing the flow of migrants from Central America heading north.

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