Trump's racism provokes criticism in the United States


With attacks on immigrants, Donald Trump collected votes during the election campaign. But as openly racist as in a recent tirade on Twitter, he probably never spoke. This causes indignation.

US President Donald Trump racially attacked several Democratic women in Congress, provoking a storm of indignation. On Twitter, he urged young MPs to leave the United States and return home. Nancy Pelosi, leader of the majority in the House, accused Trump of wanting to split the country with xenophobic remarks.

Trump wrote Sunday that it was interesting to observe "how the" progressive "Democrats, from countries with absolutely catastrophic governments, the worst, most corrupt and most incompetent in the world, have declared high and maliciously to the American people The most powerful nation on Earth, as the US government must function. "

Trump continued, "Why do not they go back to help repair the totally broken and crime-prone places they come from?"

The next MPs from immigration
The President of the United States did not give a name, but he clearly referred to a small group of young and aspiring Democratic Democrats in the House of Representatives. These include Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley and Ilhan Omar. All four have a migration background.

However, all but Omar were born in the United States. Ocasio-Cortez was born in New York, Tlaib in Detroit and Pressley in Cincinnati. Omar was born in Mogadishu, Somalia. Her family fled the country during the Civil War while she was a child. The four women were elected to Congress in 2018.

Nevertheless, the President is mocked that their country of origin supposedly needs the urgent advice of these women, they could not break fast enough. The Speaker of the House, Pelosi, would certainly be happy to support the travel plans, then insisted Trump. The US president discussed the power struggles of young deputies with Pelosi.

"He must be removed from office"
Ocasio-Cortez responded to Trump's comments with several tweets, describing him as an "angry president" who reigned with fear and could not accept that his deputies and her were democratically elected. "Mr. President, the country where I come from and the country we all swear by is the United States, but given the way you have destroyed our borders with inhumane camps, all of this is to your advantage. .. you are absolutely right with the corruption that is at your feet. "

Francis Tawiah (Duisburg – Germany)

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