Try to solve the mystery of the "time bomb" allergies in children after the huge rise


The numbers reveal that the number of children with life-threatening allergic reactions has increased by 40% in five years.

NHS Digital statistics indicate that 849 people under the age of 10 were admitted to hospital with anaphylactic shock in 2017-2018, compared with 601 in 2014-2015.

And the number of allergic hospitalizations with allergies also increased by 26%, from 4,869 to 6,167 during the same period.

In response, the parents of the tragic teenager Natasha Ednan-Laperouse, who died of an allergic reaction to a baguette called "Ready To Eat", asked that urgent research be conducted on why more young people have allergic reactions.

His father Nadim, who together with his wife Tanya created a new charity for allergy research, the Natasha Allergy Research Foundation, said: "We are facing an allergy time bomb.

Nut allergies have risen sharply

"It is imperative that large-scale, well-funded and open-ended research projects are put in place to enable science and medicine to begin to meet the growing needs of people with allergies.

"The challenge for the scientific community is to start developing treatments for allergies."

Food industry leaders and schools must also focus and educate their parents on education and allergies, the parents added.

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The Parents' Foundation is currently in talks with the University of Southampton about the creation of a global research center for the search for allergy remedies.

About 20% of the UK population now has an allergic disorder, according to Allergy UK.

And in the 20 years leading up to 2012, the number of hospital admissions for anaphylaxis has increased by 615% in the UK, added the charity.

The government introduced the "Natasha Law" after the Ednan-Laperouse family successfully campaigned for reform after the death of Natasha, 15, on a BA flight in 2016, in a sandwich containing sesame seeds.

The new law will require food companies to list all ingredients of prepackaged foods from the summer of 2021.

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