Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey paid $ 1.40 in 2018, keeping the old character limit


Twitter said Monday it paid its general manager, Jack Dorsey, 1.40 USD (about 100 Rs.) In 2018.

Dorsey had denied all compensation and direct benefits for three years in 2015, 2016 and 2017.

In 2018, he declined all compensation and benefits other than a $ 1.40 salary, the social media company reported in a case to the SEC.

By the way, Twitter Monday has reduced the number of accounts that a user can follow in one day to combat spam on the micro-blogging platform.

The total number of accounts that can be added to the user list has been reduced from 1,000 to 400, the San Francisco-based Internet firm said.

"Follow, do not follow, follow, do not follow." Who does this? Spammers, "said the Twitter security team in a tweet.

"So we're increasing the number of accounts you can track every day from 1,000 to 400. Do not worry, you'll be fine."

The software called "bots" sometimes run Twitter accounts, automatically following a considerable number of real people, some of which tends to reciprocate by following up.

A high number of followers can then be used to elevate the status of bot accounts, which can trigger website links or marketing content in tweets or messages to followers.

Twitter's policy prohibits the use of the service for the distribution of junk mail, which it defines as "an aggressive or aggressive activity that attempts to manipulate or disrupt Twitter or Twitter user experience." to generate traffic or attract attention to accounts, products, services or independent initiatives. "

The factors taken into account by Twitter to determine if accounts are used for spam follow and / or de-stress a large number of accounts over a short period.

Written with agency entries

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