Two decades of pomp and demonstration of arms!


Shatta Wale and Stonebwoy

Shatta Wale and Stonebwoy

In the aftermath of the Vodafone Ghana Music Awards (VGMA) on Saturday, May 19, 2019 and the Daily Graphic publishing side by side the images of Shatta Wale and Stonebwoy, I discovered the difference!

Before that, I thought that Stonebwoy (Livingstone Etse Satekla) and Shatta Wale (Charles Nii Armah Mensah) were one and the same person!

With the hubbub and the publication of their pictures side by side the next day, I noticed some slight differences.

They all wear earrings, they all have an appreciable mustache, Shatta Wale sported a fun scary hairstyle in the Daily Graphic publication, while Stonebwoy had a nice haircut. But apart from the differences, the two still did not look so different for me.

Their music is not different from me too; a lot of gyration, hopping around and holding crotch, is characteristic in both the few clips I've watched and a fashion with youth these days.

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Call me old-fashioned, but I would always stay still and be amazed by a Highlife tune of Amakye Dede, whether it's good or bad.

I sometimes even try dance moves.

So, the two are not particularly artists that I like well.

Then to get out of this indifference, I was informed of what was happening after their dangerous actions, during the awards ceremony commemorating the 20th anniversary of the institution of the VGMA in the music sector, all last week.

I had to educate myself a bit about them, so I turned to social media to read and see.

There, I met Shatta Mama (Shatta Wale's mother, Elsie Evelyn Avemegah); Shatta Capo (his father – Charles Nii Mensah Snr) and the Shatta Movement (his followers).

I've also met Stonebwoy and his Bhimnation crowd. Unfortunately, I read that he had lost the mother a few years ago.

Being one of those who are interested in life's quieter shades of life, I would have preferred Stonebwoy, although he pulled the gun at the awards, as well. he was invited to choose between them.

Stonebwoy's fingerprints on social media were clearer, quieter and quieter. Shatta Wale was stronger and everywhere in the virtual landscape, as if to prove a certain notoriety.

Yes, I know that showbiz is about hype, boasting, noise and bling.

But has that ever been about gun branding?

Should not there be just a healthy competition on who has the best lyrics, melodies and dance hall moves? Their key ambition, with their popularity gained, should not be to change minds and hearts for the better?

Yes, I am not in the theater of these two, but most young Ghanaians are.

So, should not both of them properly affect culture, having a positive impact on their music and actions?

It would have been nice if both had a healthy competition between them.

That would have translated on their fans.

This would have also contributed to the peaceful development of the sector.

Right now, we hear all sorts of taunts, accusations and counter-accusations coming from the camps of both.

People also blame CharterHouse, claiming that they should have anticipated and anticipated the incident.

However, they could not really predict that Stonebwoy had a gun and I suppose that as a candidate, he would not have been checked for that.

They also would not have been able to predict the movement of Shatta Wale in the auditorium.

Perhaps the ultimate responsibility for spoiling the commemoration of two decades of musical awards should be clearly blamed on both artists.

They should use the mileage they have with their support base and their status to positively influence young people, encourage them to hope, give them ideas on which to sing, dance and perhaps practice some of these ideas as well. sure!

As Kweku Baako said about the era of respected artists, such as Alfred Bannerman, Hugh Masekela, Pat Thomas, Gyedu-Blay Ambolley, Amakye Dede and Osibisa:

"These were the days … disciplined downhill artists." "What really happened to us?"

Indeed, what has happened to us? Who is the mentor of these guys and who are they?

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