Two new cases of measles on Vancouver Island have officials urging vaccination


VICTORIA – Two new measles cases have been confirmed on Vancouver Island, bringing to 25 the number of recent infections in British Columbia.

Officials from Vancouver Island Health said people who may have been exposed to the highly contagious disease at two LifeLabs clinics in Victoria on Tuesday and Wednesday were alerted and that two health centers were opened to vaccinate on Sunday.

However, officials said that measles exposure may also have occurred at 10 other locations between March 27 and 31, and that, in these cases, vaccination will no longer prevent the exposure to measles. 39; infection.

Camosun College, as well as several buses, a pharmacy, a shopping center and a fast food restaurant in Victoria are among these establishments.

Anyone who has been around a person with measles is advised to monitor the onset of symptoms such as fever, runny nose, diarrhea, redness of the eyes and rash a few days later.

In addition to five cases of measles on the island, 17 cases have been confirmed in the Vancouver area since February, as well as one case between Burnaby and Hope and two at 100 Mile House, in the Cariboo region south from British Columbia.

Two doses of measles vaccine are needed to provide 99% immunity against the disease.

Vancouver Island Health reports that 3,500 vaccines have been administered in the region in the past five weeks, more than double last year.

It indicates that the source of the latest cases is the subject of an investigation, but that it does not seem related to two previous cases confirmed last week.

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