Typhus epidemic: a city struck by typhus "I thought I was going to die" | World | New


Los Angeles is currently struggling with an epidemic of typhus, a common tick and flea-borne disease that is commonly transmitted by vermin, such as rats, cats and possums. Ticks and fleas will spread from infected vermin to office building carpets, where they can infect more people. The central (central) district near Skid Row is the only part of the city that has been infected so far, but a large homeless population of up to 2,000 could see the disease spread more. City council chair, Herb Wesson, has asked staff to report on the extent of pest problems in the Los Angeles Civic Center complex, the site of the main ongoing epidemic.

Mr. Wesson responded by ordering the removal of carpets from the Civic Center and called for a re-examination of live plants at City Hall, as they may also carry ticks.

In a typical case of typhus, the symptoms are very similar to those of the flu, including headache, high temperature, dry cough, vomiting and joint pain.

Symptoms also include an alarming dark speck that can spread from the chest to the rest of the body.

Cases of typhus are treated with antibiotics and will normally disappear within 48 hours.

READ MORE: Left teacher with brain damage after a tick bite

However, typhus can lead to complications, including hepatitis (swelling of the liver) and intestinal bleeding.

An employee of the Los Angeles City Hall described how her experience had left her thinking that she was going to die.

Elizabeth Greenwood, a city lawyer, said she had contracted the disease in November 2018 and that she had severe symptoms.

She said, "It was terrifying. I thought I was going to die and I could not understand what was wrong with me. "

READ MORE: MONSTER tick threatens deadly disease in Europe

"I could not move my head, I practically shouted.

"I had the worst headache of my life. I could not move my head. I lost my balance. I had a fever 102C.

"It's terrifying for me that there can be this kind of health risk and the city attorney's office did not even talk to anyone about it.

"I am terrified of going back to work here because I do not want to be sick again."

READ MORE: What are the symptoms of Lyme disease transmitted by ticks?

How can you prevent typhus?

Typhus is controlled primarily by good personal hygiene and pet care.

These methods are the most effective for preventing typhus:

– Keep pet food indoors

– Keep garbage cans well covered

– Seal openings and crawl spaces at home

– Regularly treat animals with flea medications

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