UBA Foundation Donates Books to Ghana Library | Education


The UBA Foundation, a subsidiary of United Bank for Africa in charge of corporate social responsibility, has helped strengthen the government's initiative to provide free and quality education in Ghana by donating valuable copies of books. several thousand cedis to the Ghana Library Authority, headquartered in Accra.

The Bank donated to the Ghana Library Authority (GhLA) a novel entitled "Fine Boys", written by the famous Nigerian writer Eghosa Imasuen, to provide libraries throughout the country.

As a pan-African bank, the UBA Foundation plays a leading role in corporate social responsibility (CSR), of which education is an integral part. The Bank has so far invested millions of dollars on the African continent through its CSR initiatives.

Expressing during the presentation, the head of the UBA Ghana Retail Bank, Mr. Peter Dery, expressed the Bank's willingness and commitment to support education in the country. "UBA enjoys so much education that any opportunity to support education is considered a priority and that is why we have seen fit to support the Ghana Library Authority in this regard."

He further commended the Ghana Library Authority for its efforts to encourage people to read the construction of modern infrastructure, the use of digital technology and the introduction of libraries mobile.

UBA Ghana's Corporate Communications Manager Daniel Adjei added that the UBA Foundation remains focused on its CSR programs.

"It is important to instill reading habits for children as it contributes to the cognitive development of individuals. The UBA Foundation awards scholarships to students in the second circle each year and donates books as part of its "READ AFRICA" project. During the five years of our flagship CSR product – the UBA Foundation's National Essay Competition, the Foundation has steadily organized this contest to reward three finalists each year. This resulted in about fifteen tertiary-level students reading various programs and taking full advantage of the UBA Foundation schorlaship. "

"As we speak, some of these students are doing their internships at the bank. Personally, I am pleased that we continue to support students with practical industrial experience. " He added.

After the presentation, Mr. Alikem Tamakloe, Greater Accra Regional Librarian, on behalf of GhLA Managing Director, Mr. Hayford Siaw, thanked the Bank for its kind gesture and expressed the hope that its relations would continue to contribute to the growth of education in the country. . "We are happy to see this day. We want the population to be well educated, so I think the relationship will be long-standing and we want to involve the UBA Foundation in what we do. " He said.

The presentation was marked by the presence of the Program Manager and Partnerships (GhLA), Ms. Yaa Agyemang Opare Adu, Chief Financial Officer, Mr. Samuel Esuman, Head of the Department of School and University Library, Mr. Sampson Osenda as well as than some of the UBA executives.

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