Uber drivers protect multimedia against "unfair reporting"


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A group of drivers belonging to the badociation of private chauffeurs online has stormed Monday the premises of the multimedia group to protest what they say is an unfair report involving one of the their members.

They say that their member, a Uber driver, accused of stabbing a pbadenger, Daniel Asiamah, last week, brandished the knife only to defend himself, during the price altercation of the ticket.

The transport company, Uber, indefinitely suspended the driver following the incident that began after a disagreement over the price of the trip between Legon and Labone on Friday and left Mr. Asiamah with a deep cut to the left hand.

The driver is still in custody and should be brought to court tomorrow.

In a quick response to Joy News e-mail, Francesca Uriri, head of communications at Uber West Africa, said: "What has been described is upsetting and is a flagrant violation of our community rules. Violence of any kind is not tolerated by Uber.

"After being made aware of this, our incident response team, trained to handle all critical safety issues, began contacting the rider to offer his full support. The driver's access to the application was immediately removed and we are currently badisting the police and the competent judicial authorities in the ongoing investigations in this case. "

But the union of Uber drivers stormed on Monday the premises of the group Multimedia looking for a public.

They say unfair reporting has already had an impact on their business with pbadengers avoiding their services.

Promise Torgbo Wise, the public relations officer for the Association, denied the driver who stabbed his pbadenger.

According to him, the injured pbadenger was holding the knife and the driver had "accidentally cut" him in self-defense.

He added that the suspect had been in detention since the incident and that he was denied bail.

"Our colleague was not questioned for the driver's side to be heard and this makes the reporting unfair. The news gave the police and other stakeholders so much power that our colleague was not released on bail. We went [police station] and they refused to give him bail, he said.

He agrees with the regulations in force that the driver was wrong to use a dangerous object on a runner. However, if the rider tries to take the driver's keys, it will lead to such an unfortunate situation.

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