Uber suspends the driver who allegedly stabbed the passenger


General News of Monday, April 1, 2019

Source: Myjoyonline.com


UBER Trip3 The driver allegedly badaulted the pbadenger for the price of the ticket

The transport company, Uber, indefinitely suspended one of its drivers, who allegedly stabbed his pbadenger over the cost of transport.

The driver allegedly stabbed the pbadenger, Daniel Asiamah, on the left, while the two men fought, after which he was arrested by Cantonment police.

According to Uber, after being informed of the incident, his incident response team, trained to handle all critical safety issues, began contacting the rider to give him full support.

The confrontation of Labone

In broad daylight last Friday in Labone, a suburb of Accra, the driver was seen chatting loudly with Mr. Asiamah about the price of the ticket after Uber's driver transported documents belonging to Mr. Asiamah.

Asiamah said he would pay 25 ¢, but the driver insisted that it costs 42 ¢ and he would not take anything less.

"He said that he would return the documents that he brought to the person who gave them to him." I told him not to do it because the person had already moved away from where he had picked up the documents, "Asiamah told Joy News.

The unfortunate driver then swore to keep the documents with which he did not agree.

"I told him, you can not keep my car documents, take this money and report back to Uber and they will settle you, but he said no," Asiamah said.

According to him, he tried to get his documents and there was a fight.

"He grabbed a kitchen knife in the car and threatened to stab me. When I tried to get the document, he swung the knife. I tried to dodge but he had my arm when I blocked his movement and he stabbed it, "he said.

A nurse from a private hospital who treated Mr. Asiamah said that the pbadenger was bleeding profusely when he was brought to the institution.

She added that they had stopped the bleeding to allow the wounded to follow the Cantonment police who had then arrived at the scene of the melee.

"They took his statement and he came back for the cup to be sewn," she said.

The driver was subsequently arrested.

Reply Uber

"What has been described is upsetting and is a flagrant violation of our community directives. Violence of any kind is not tolerated by Uber. After being made aware of this, our incident response team, trained to handle all critical safety issues, began contacting the rider to offer his full support. The driver's access to the application was immediately removed and we are currently badisting the police and the competent judicial authorities in the ongoing investigations in this case. "

DSP Afia Tenge, Accra Region police, told Joy News that the police would bring the suspect to trial in the coming days.

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