UEW chaos orchestrated by invisible hands, not by students – SRC


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Thestudents The Representative Council of the University of Education, Winneba, said the unfortunate destruction caused to public and private property on Thursday, March 14, 2019, was initiated, sanctioned and sponsored by "invisible hands".

According to counsel, the authors were motivated by the selfish and selfish desire to undermine the reputation of the good university at all costs.

At a press conference held Thursday on the campus of the University, UEW interim president Akudugu Issaka said his conviction was based on reliable and credible information available to him.

The SRC stated that after exchanges with some of his colleagues and the review of some video footage taken from the events, there is no doubt for them that the destruction was clearly the sign of the acts of hooliganism.

The SRC also congratulated REGSEC for its timely intervention to prevent further escalation and destruction of its campuses.

The CBC has condemned the evil tactics adopted by troublemakers.

"The CBC wants to say that the University should never again witness such a macabre incident in the future. we also wish congratulate the board of governors of the university for the measures taken so far in order to reopen the university for academic security, security on our campuses of Winneba and Ajumako, peace and reconciliation of the university, "said the president of the STE SRC.

The SRC also condemned the involvement of some national officials of the Association of University Teachers of Ghana (UTAG) led by its national president, Dr. Eric Opoku.

"We find that UTAG's position is hypocritical, as it is in blatant contradiction to that adopted during the recent unrest of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST)," he said. he declared.

"We feel cynicism and malicious intent to destabilize our university because God knows for what purpose," he added.

In the view of the SRC, UTAG national officials should have engaged all parties in the dialogue and negotiations and not take sides.

"If UTAG knew that the demonstration was the solution to the problem, why did not they embark themselves but instead used vulnerable students," said SRC.

Below you will find the actions that the SRC has undertaken and how it wants the problems to be solved:

The CBC has taken a number of steps to help normalize the situation on our Winneba and Ajumako campuses. These included:

The Council met on March 21, 2019, on our Winneba campus, the Ghana National Students' Association (USAG) led by National President, Kingsley Sarpong Akowuah, to discuss the way forward for the resumption of academic work. We have together met with the university leadership for fruitful discussions on the way forward for the reopening of the resumption of studies. b. The Council then met with the Regional Minister, the Hon. Kwamena Duncan, as the President of REGSEC, has as a priority objective to put in place the necessary measures for the resumption of studies. We wish to announce to you that we have received very positive and rebaduring indications that everything is being done so that the University can open its academic work as soon as possible. c. The Council had very fruitful discussions with the Regional Safety Coordinator on issues related to ensuring a peaceful environment for teaching and learning on our Winneba and Ajumako campuses. We can badure our student fraternity and the university community that the necessary steps are being taken to protect everyone. re. The Council took the initiative to meet the Minister of Education, Mr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh, and the Minister of State for Higher Education, Professor Kwesi Yankah, in order to discuss issues related to events in the UEW.

2. The CBC appeals to the University Management and REGSEC chaired by the Central Regional Minister, the Hon. Kwamena Duncan to urgently take the necessary steps to allow students to continue their education because an extended stay at home would not be in our interest.

3. The Council congratulates the Board of Directors of the University for its selfless act of paying attention to the calls for peace launched by well-meaning Ghanaians, offering concerned officials the opportunity to present their petitions and to re-examine their case by case. based. We pray that this initiative will definitely solve the problem.

4. The Council wishes to state emphatically that the call made in the media by various groups for the resignation of the Vice-Chancellor and the dissolution of the University Board of Directors is very regrettable account given his enviable performance in the performance of his duties. We believe that we should not engage in media warfare to the detriment of the University. We wish to implore all those affected who feel that the decisions of the Board of Governors have been unfair to them to pursue their case by all means within the framework of the procedures in force at the University and possibly in the courts if no internal solution was found.

5. The Council wishes to make it known that all students must now express their grievances and concerns through the University's communication channels and the processes to be followed to organize demonstrations, rallies and processions (DRAP) on the campus or off-campus, as stipulated in the Undergraduate Students Manual on Rules and Regulations of the University of Education, Winneba, respectively appearing on pages 50 to 51 and 59 to 61, as well as of the Public Order Act 1994 (Law 491)

6. Finally, we wish all students the best in these difficult times and remind them that they must remain calm and have no problems, as the Board management works tirelessly with management to remind students of campus as soon as possible. The board will duly inform the students of any further development. We further declare that the doors of the CBC are always open to provide the necessary badistance to the students and will continue to serve the interests of the students at all times.

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