Uganda Intensifies Surveillance Following the Announcement by the WHO of a New Ebola Incident


World Health Organization (WHO) will work with the Ugandan authorities to vaccinate about 590 fish merchants at the Mpondwe market, following the discovery that one of them vomited on the Ugandan market on July 11 before dying in the Democratic Republic of of Congo (DRC).

"The surveillance teams have established that she had had four episodes of vomiting the day of her stay in the country," said Wednesday an excerpt from a joint statement.

"We have not yet established the movements of the woman or those who transported her," he added.

On July 12, the shopkeeper went to Beni in DRC and was admitted to the Beni Ebola treatment unit on July 13th. She died on July 15th after a positive Ebola test.

"The Ministry of Health and WHO appeal to all Ugandans to remain alert and alert. Avoid handshakes, hugs and mbad gatherings and observe infections, prevention and control practices such as hand washing with soap and clear water at all times, both in in the communities, "the statement said.

Uganda had already been hailed by WHO to contain the spread of the virus after the death of two people by the Ebola virus in the district of Kasese (western Uganda).

Since then, no other cases of Ebola have been reported in Uganda and authorities reiterated on Wednesday that there was no confirmed case of Ebola virus disease in the district of Kasese or in any other part of Uganda.

the WHO who said that the Ebola epidemic in the Congo was an international health emergency, warned that neighboring countries, namely Rwanda, South Sudan, Burundi and Uganda, are the more exposed, while the Central African Republic, Angola, Tanzania, Republic of Congo and Zambia rank second.

The global body, however, urged countries not to close borders or restrict trade. The Ugandan authorities have confirmed that all places of economic and social interaction in Uganda, such as national parks and tourist sites, are open and accessible to the public.

More than 6,000 people have been vaccinated in Uganda since November 2018.

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