UK Government Supports Prisons Service's Electronic Case Management System


"The interconnectivity of the system among the 43 areas of Ghana will facilitate access to criminal data for judicial, administrative and research purposes," said UK High Commissioner Iain Walker.

The High Commissioner also emphasized the partnership between the British Government and Ghana and the need to strengthen it to strengthen the development of both countries.

Sylvester Rabbles, deputy director of prisons in charge of operations, said in his thank you speech: the system will also contribute to its sustainability.

"These agents will become the core group to train others in system management. This innovation will go a long way in supporting Ghana's criminal justice system. "

At the same time, the British High Commission in March organized a two-week training workshop on human rights and prison management from 7 to 21 March 2019 for the benefit of 180 prison officers. .

This training is part of the capacity-building project of the Office of the High Commissioner for Prison Services of Ghana. The training was facilitated by Axiom International – UK and aimed to strengthen prison officials' skills in human rights and modern prison management techniques.

This training is in addition to the many projects undertaken by the British High Commission for Prison Services in Ghana and is part of a four-part project aimed at strengthening institutional capacity and prison management of the Ghana Prison Service.

— Myjoyonline

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