UK News: Police warn against potential use of facial recognition technology | UK | New


New age technology has recently been in the spotlight after its use by South Wales police who has been subject to judicial review. Sending to, the Liberty campaign group warned that the use of technology posed a serious threat to fundamental human rights. Hannah Couchman, Liberty's policy and campaign manager, said, "Intrusive face recognition technology is violating our rights, damaging the values ​​of our society and making us less secure.

"This type of authoritarian mbad surveillance is discriminatory because it is more likely to identify women and people of color.

"And that changes our behavior in public spaces – forcing us to watch where we are going and with whom."

Claims against facial recognition are based on inaccurate technology.

In June, a study from the University of Esbad showed that six real-world tests conducted by the meteorological police had only obtained an accuracy of 20%.

READ MORE: Police could use facial recognition technology on bodycams

In addition, this month, the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee also stated that there should no longer be any testing of the technology until certain regulations are in place. have not been applied.

As noted in the report: "If certain types of faces – for example, black, Asian and ethnic faces or female faces – are under-represented in live facial recognition training data sets, this bias will favor use of technology by: human operators. "

Despite the controversy surrounding facial recognition, Interior Minister Sajid Javid has announced his support for the use of technology provided by the Japanese company NEC.

Mr. Javid said, "I support the police by testing the technology and testing it.

READ MORE: Qantas tests facial recognition software at Sydney Airport

"Different types of facial recognition technologies are currently being tested, particularly by the Met, and I think it's accurate that they are watching this."

The technology has been discussed to facilitate investigations and can help speed up the process by which police can identify criminals.

Ms. Couchman stated, however, that the technology was simply not ready to be used as it is now.

She concluded: "It is deeply worrying that the police continue to use facial recognition despite a pending judgment in the first legal action against him, and after an overwhelming independent report commissioned by the Met that indicates that technology puts our rights at risk.

"Face recognition does not belong in our streets."

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